Problem description:
When trying to create a new custom rule tile, I get an error:
FileNotFoundException: The template file "Packages/com.unity.2d.tilemap.extras/Editor/Tiles/RuleTile/ScriptTemplates/NewCustomRuleTile.cs.txt" could not be found.
UnityEditor.ProjectWindowUtil.CreateScriptAssetFromTemplateFile (System.String templatePath, System.String defaultNewFileName) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/ProjectWindow/ProjectWindowUtil.cs:313)
UnityEditor.CustomRuleTileMenu.CreateCustomRuleTile () (at Assets/Externals/2d-extras-2019.4/Editor/Menu/CustomRuleTileMenu.cs:10)
It is trying to get a template file from the packages folder, while my 2d-extras were not installed using the package manager.
To reproduce:
1) download (Unity 2019.4 branch)
2) unzip and import folder into unity
3) in project right click and in the context menu, select 2D>Tiles>Custom Rule Tile
Unity version: 2019.4.3f1 Branch: Unity2019.4
Problem description: When trying to create a new custom rule tile, I get an error:
Analysis: It is trying to get a template file from the packages folder, while my 2d-extras were not installed using the package manager.
To reproduce: 1) download (Unity 2019.4 branch) 2) unzip and import folder into unity 3) in project right click and in the context menu, select 2D>Tiles>Custom Rule Tile