Unity-Technologies / 2d-extras

Fun 2D Stuff that we'd like to share!
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No more development on 2d-extras GitHub repository

We are changing how we develop additional 2D Tiles and Brushes for 2D Tilemap. An important part of this change involves ensuring a single point of entry for users to get the latest tiles and brushes for Tilemap. To this end we created the Tilemap Extras package which is accessible from Package Manager. Moving forward, the 2D-extras GitHub repository will be made read-only. You will still be able to clone and pull the contents of the repository as it is right now.

Tilemap Extras already includes Animated Tiles, RuleTile (Rectangular Isometric and Hexagonal), the Rule Override Tiles, Group Brush, Line Brush, Random Brush and GameObject Brush. It also includes 3 samples covering common use-cases of Rule Tiles and Animated Tiles. Read more about Tilemap Extras in the announcement thread.

If there is functionality in 2d-extras that is important to your team and your product please let us know in this thread or start a discussion in the 2D forums and we will consider adding it to the Tilemap Extras package.

For issues with the Tilemap Extras please use the standard Unity channels via the Unity Bug Reporter and/or starting a thread in our forums instead of the GitHub Repository Issues tracker.

Thank you for all your contributions over the years. As always, let us know about your needs and project plans and we will endeavor to make Tilemap Extras an even better tool for developing 2D games in Unity!


2d-extras is a repository containing helpful reusable scripts which you can use to make your games, with a slant towards 2D. Feel free to customise the behavior of the scripts to create new tools for your use case!

Implemented examples using these scripts can be found in the sister repository 2d-techdemos.

All items in the repository are grouped by use for a feature and are listed below.

How to use this

You can use this in two different ways: downloading this repository or adding it to your project's Package Manager manifest.

Alternatively, you can pick and choose the scripts that you want by placing only these scripts in your project's Assets folder.



Download or clone this repository into your project in the folder Packages/com.unity.2d.tilemap.extras.

Package Manager Manifest


Git must be installed and added to your path.


The following line needs to be added to your Packages/manifest.json file in your Unity Project under the dependencies section:

"com.unity.2d.tilemap.extras": "https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/2d-extras.git#master"


For use with Unity 2021.1.0f1 onwards.

Please use the 2020.3 branch for Unity 2020.1-2020.3 versions.

Please use the 1.5.0-preview tag for Unity 2019.2-2019.4 versions.

Please use the 2019.1 tag for Unity 2019.1 versions.

Please use the 2018.3 branch or the 2018.3 tag for Unity 2018.3-2018.4 versions.

Please use the 2018.2 branch or the 2018.2 tag for Unity 2018.2 versions.

Please use the 2017 branch or the 2017 tag for earlier versions of Unity (from 2017.2 and up).


How to make Custom Rule Tiles in Unity Video