Unity-Technologies / UniversalRenderingExamples

This project contains a collection of Custom Renderer examples. This will be updated as we refine the feature and add more options.
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Cull Front etc would be nice for ShaderGraphs #37

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Any chance you could add Cull Front etc to the URP so we can reproduce the outline shader in the toon project in Shadergraph? (bc yeah editing 64 k of lines after compiling the graph for just that is a bit to much, which btw also doesnt work bc error at line 40) Also is there an option to combine materials into a meta shader to act as passes? bc Unity keeps telling me stacking materials for their specific purposes each is more inefficient than to have a mega shader that has every functionality built in, which yeah, is nice but kinda defeats the meaningful dogma that is hailed throughout programming: modularity.

and yeah 3086 different variants? so this is what IT liberalism looks like. instead of a standard every machine has to abide by and convert it for its own application. wow. never heard of ISO right or IEEE, or IETF or any standard any other Industry relies on... But hey its the nebulous and way too complicated IT world. Standardization is impossible here... Remember all the schims used for webdevelopment, yeah that lacking standard is making a lot of people going bald. How about you introduce a standard when you got a big enough market share you can impose on manufacturers, together with unreal Engine. BC this is BS