This project is a .Net Client for UnityBase application server.
It allows to build .Net application which may perform the following operations:
Connection to UnityBase server from .Net managed code could be useful for scenarios like:
The project is available as NuGet packet.
Connect and output list of users to console:
var cn = new UbConnection(new Uri("http://localhost:888/"), AuthMethod.Ub("user", "password"));
var users = cn.Select("uba_user", new[] {"ID", "name"});
foreach (var user in users)
Console.WriteLine($"{user["ID"]} {user["name"]}");
Put the following in app.config
<section name="unityBase"
type="Softengi.UbClient.Configuration.UnityBaseConfigurationSection, Softengi.UbClient" />
Than in code, create UbConnection
var ubConfig = (UnityBaseConfigurationSection) ConfigurationManager.GetSection("unityBase");
var ubConnection = new UbConnection(ubConfig.Connection);
Put the following class in a place where MEF composition container could reach it:
internal sealed class UbConnectionFactory
public UbConnection Connection
if (_connection != null) return _connection;
lock (_sync)
if (_connection == null)
var ubConfig = (UnityBaseConfigurationSection) ConfigurationManager.GetSection("unityBase");
_connection = new UbConnection(ubConfig.Connection);
return _connection;
private volatile UbConnection _connection;
static private readonly object _sync = new object();
Than in any composable part, it would be possible to just declare import:
public class MyService
public UbConnection UbConnection { get; set; }