UniversalDependencies / UD_English-EWT

English data
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NOUN/advmod troubles in EWT #327

Open nschneid opened 4 years ago

nschneid commented 4 years ago

There are a number of NOUNs attached as advmod in EWT. Many of these look plausible, e.g. location modifier "somewhere" and extent modifier "eight kilometers". But others are problematic, especially where the noun has a case marker:

English-GUM, by contrast, has no instances of NOUNs attaching as advmod.

amir-zeldes commented 4 years ago

no instances of NOUNs attaching as advmod

We can thank @dan-zeman and the validator for that - we just went through all cases that did have that and changed them to something else for the previous release... Often obl:npmod