UniversalDependencies / UD_English-EWT

English data
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obl:tmod should be obj #409

Closed nschneid closed 1 year ago

nschneid commented 1 year ago

Some temporal objects of transitive verbs are mistakenly treated as obl:tmod. E.g. "enjoy those 2 days".

nschneid commented 1 year ago

Query with verbs used only intransitively filtered out

amir-zeldes commented 1 year ago

Thanks, fixed the two GUM errors - I don't think 'last' is an error, since you can't passivize the time participant:

nschneid commented 1 year ago

It is similar to a sense of "take", which also cannot be passivized. For "take", the duration is obligatory and cannot be marked by a preposition:

"Last" is murkier because "for" can be inserted:

Regarding whether passivization is a necessary and sufficient test for direct object: CGEL (p. 246) says it is sufficient but not necessary. They give the example of "have":

Very weird to passivize "have" here where it means 'own'. (You can say things like "fun was had by all", or "there are no yachts to be had", but those are different senses.)

amir-zeldes commented 1 year ago

Sure, almost no test is air-tight, but I think interpreting 'last' as intransitive makes more sense. FWIW I can find some examples of passive time taken in encow, e.g.:

But I can find no such examples with "last".

nschneid commented 1 year ago

Since English doesn't provide much in the way of morphological evidence, I think this is a case where the core (obj) vs. non-core (obl) distinction that UD tries to make is just murky. It is easier to see how to test for complement vs. adjunct.

We could have a rule for English that the absence of a preposition on an NP complement in a clause means it is core. But there are prepositionless adjunct NPs too, and these are clearly obl. If complement vs. adjunct is meant to be completely orthogonal to UD criteria, I don't see a reason to rule out obl:tmod for the NP complement of "last".

amir-zeldes commented 1 year ago

I don't see a reason to rule out obl:tmod for the NP complement of "last".

Sure, but then I think we agree, right? Interpreting 'last' as intransitive means that it has to be obl:tmod (or npmod if it's a distance or something).

nschneid commented 1 year ago

Yeah, unless somebody else has a counterargument we should change the obj tokens (here, here) to obl:tmod.

amir-zeldes commented 1 year ago

Sure, will fix GUM

nschneid commented 1 year ago

What do you think about "live" + duration ("They live 11-15 years")?

Seems really hard to passivize, and "for" can be inserted.

amir-zeldes commented 1 year ago

That sounds like obl:tmod as well, but then there are examples that look more like cognate objects, and those are maybe more object-like:

Those aren't exactly a duration, even if the second one is semantically equivalent to it, it doesn't feel adverbial, if you know what I mean.

nschneid commented 1 year ago

OK I'm fine treating live+life as obj and live+duration as obl:tmod similarly to "last".

nschneid commented 1 year ago

"live"/"last" + obj, should be obl:tmod if a temporal duration per above: EWT, GUM

amir-zeldes commented 1 year ago

Yup, GUM cases are already done!