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compound:prt and adjectival compounds #435

Open nschneid opened 11 months ago

nschneid commented 11 months ago
nschneid commented 11 months ago
amir-zeldes commented 11 months ago

If it has "the" then it's considered a noun under PTB guidelines, so I would go with NOUN. Note also the object attaching via "of".

nschneid commented 11 months ago

Then should nominalizations be allowed as heads of compound:prt?

amir-zeldes commented 11 months ago

I would expect so, especially if we consider compounding to be a lexical relation

nschneid commented 11 months ago

"run down" is handled inconsistently https://universal.grew.fr/?custom=6516e3f9f3e8c

  • I think the VERB analysis is reasonable, which makes compound:prt OK

Oh, I see the issue: the sentence "his apartment is so run down" uses a copula construction, so the compound is really acting like an adjective. Tag as run/ADJ, or tag as run/VERB with ExtPos=ADJ?

nschneid commented 11 months ago

More in the category of VERBs-with-copulas (many are compounds acting like adjective predicates): https://universal.grew.fr/?custom=6519bd364436a

nschneid commented 11 months ago

Related: #355