Universal GRAph Minor Mapper (UGRAMM)
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Introduction to UGRAMM:

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GRAMM (GRAph Minor Mapping) is a novel CGRA mapping technique that has demonstrated an 80x CAD runtime speedup over other mapping methods [Zhou et al.(2023)]. GRAMM is based on the graph minoring concept from graph theory, which states that if we can transform graph G into H by removing its nodes and/or edges and as well by contracting edges in G, then graph H is a minor of graph G. In the graph minor example in Fig.1, red edges in graph G are removed and edges within blue circles are contracted, resulting in graph H as a minor of graph G.

This repository contains a more general version of GRAMM known as UGRAMM (Universal GRAph Minor Mapper), which can not only be used in CGRA mapping but as well could be easily incorporated in any other applications such as ASIC/FPGA packing, etc.
