UniversalMediaServer / api

The metadata API that the Universal Media Server application uses
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TMDB #1143

Open SurfaceS opened 1 year ago

SurfaceS commented 1 year ago

We can probably just remove OMDb. Unfortunately we found it before TMDB. If we had found TMDB first, we probably wouldn't have added OMDb. And yes I agree it would be good to fix for entries without IMDb IDs.

If we get ride of OMDb, do we really need OpenSubtitles, as it is mainly used to find the imdb id ?

Maybe I'm wrong but, if we are using only TMDB, we can implement TMDB directly on java side. On app, users can add a TMDB key on config (as it is easy/free to have key) or leave empty. App show them an advice that having a key is quicker.

If key, the app use direct TMDB requests with their own API key. If no key (default), the app ask the api server to request for them (like a relay with some security to prevent bad usage) ?

I think it's like other app do.

SubJunk commented 1 year ago

It is attractive to not need this API anymore, however OpenSubtitles provides us with results based on file hash which is useful when the filename doesn't provide a match. So I think we would get less results if we removed it.

SurfaceS commented 1 year ago

After a quick review on OMDb/Opensubtitles.

OMDb do not give a good series imdb id from episode IMDb data. OMDb do not provide episodes from series imdb data. (title/media v1/v2 are broken on real fetchs).

So basically on tests, mock fake real responses from OMDb API, but in real world, it fail.

New Opensubtitle now doesn't provide any info from IMDb but the IMDb id and TMDb ID. About episode, it accepts only hash for single episode.

SubJunk commented 1 year ago

@SurfaceS maybe it is time to use TMDB directly then, or to simplify this project to be simply a cache for TMDB so users don't hit their request limits

SubJunk commented 1 year ago

Any opinions @js-kyle ?

SubJunk commented 1 year ago

I think we can remove OSDB and OMDb.

It might still be good to have this project in between Java and TMDB, because then we don't need our users to enter their own TMDB keys.

SubJunk commented 1 year ago

We seem to be getting a lot of failures/timeouts from OMDb now in production and that is really affecting response times.

SubJunk commented 9 months ago

@SurfaceS OMDb has been removed now, and in the next 2 months, OpenSubtitles will stop working, so your original suggestion of using TMDB directly could be a good solution

SurfaceS commented 9 months ago

You should create a new repo forked from my work : https://github.com/SurfaceS/tmdbapi/fork

I wrote this few months ago. I'll start using it for video metadata on v14.

SubJunk commented 9 months ago

@SurfaceS that is forked now