UniversalMediaServer / api

The metadata API that the Universal Media Server application uses
9 stars 3 forks source link
mongodb mongoose nodejs typescript

UMS API Build Status


The required Node.js and Yarn versions are listed in the package.json file.

You can run nvm use and yvm use from the project root if you have Node version manager and Yarn version managers installed to select the correct version.

Environment variables


yarn watch

Watches for changes to TypeScript files and compiles them to JavaScript (use yarn run build to do it manually)

yarn dev

Runs the development server and restarts it when any file is changed

yarn dev:cron

Runs the cron job feature using ts-node

yarn start

Runs the server

yarn test

Runs the test suite

yarn run start:prod

Starts the API and cron job in production mode. TypeScript files are compiled in memory on application start.