npm i
npm run dev
Content from the site comes from the files in the content
folder. .md
files support Markdown syntax as you might be able to guess but notice in order to use other elements than basic bolding and italicized further setup is needed.
github: lomake
title: Tilannekuvalomake
date: Helmikuu 2020 -
tags: Deprekoitu,Testi
key: 999
github: project name on GitHub
title: project's name
date: Project starting month - Project ending month (if any) e.g. Helmikuu 2020 - Kesäkuu 2021
tags: (optional) Tags related to the project. If multiple separate with ,
key: (optional - defaults to 0) Decides the order on the front page. Smaller number comes first. If tied uses alphabetical order.
in .png format using the same name as the .md made in step 1.Text on top below the logo and "Helsingin yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteen osaston sovelluskehitysakatemia".
Note the order in the array is meaningful
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | First name of the members. |
githubName | string | GitHub user of the member. Also used for fetching the avatar. |
linkedInName | string | LinkedIn user of the member. |
joinedDate | {month: number, year: number} | Month and year of when the member joined. |
alumnDate | {month: number, year: number}? | Month and year of when the member became an alumn if applicable. |