UoYCS-plasma / LazySmallCheck2012

Lazy SmallCheck with functional values and existentials!
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Lazy SmallCheck with functional values and existentials!

Build Status

This code is mid-clean up. Many features are not yet included. Watch this space.

A property-based testing library enables users to perform lightweight verification of software. This repo presents improvements to the Lazy SmallCheck property-based testing library. Users can now test properties that quantify over first-order functional values and nest universal and existential quantifiers in properties. When a property fails, Lazy SmallCheck now accurately expresses the partiality of the counterexample. The necessary architectural changes to Lazy SmallCheck result in a performance speed-up. All of these improvements are demonstrated through several practical examples.


Consider the following conjectured property that in Haskell all reductions on lists of Boolean values to a single Boolean value can be expressed as a foldr.

prop_ReduceFold :: ([Bool] -> Bool) -> Property
prop_ReduceFold r = existsDeeperBy (+2) $ \f z -> forAll $ \xs -> r xs == foldr f z xs

When this property is tested using our advanced version of Lazy SmallCheck, a small counterexample is found for r.

>>> test prop_ReduceFold
LSC: Depth 2:
LSC: Counterexample found after 374 tests.

Var 0: { [] -> False
       ; _:[] -> False
       ; _:_:_ -> True }
*** Exception: ExitFailure 1

Reading the output in the style of Haskell's case-expression syntax in explicit layout, this function tests for a multi-item list. Several new features of Lazy SmallCheck are demonstrated by this example. First, note that two of the quantified variables, r and f, are functional values. Secondly, an existential quantifier is used in the property definition. Thirdly, the property involves nesting of universal and existential quantifiers inside the property. Finally, the counterexample found for r is concise and easy to understand.

The previous version of Lazy SmallCheck did not include any of these features.


Note: Follow this until I upload it to Hackage.

1) Download this repository.

$ git clone https://github.com/UoYCS-plasma/LazySmallCheck2012.git
$ cd LazySmallCheck2012
$ cabal install --only-dependencies

2) Enter the GHC interactive mode.

$ ghci
 #  LazySmallCheck 2012 GHCi Environment  #
 :suite   --- Run test suite.
 :lsc2012 --- Reset environment.
 :readme  --- View README.md.


3) Run the test suite to ensure that everything is working correctly. If it doesn't, please report the issue.

*LSC2012> :suite
Suite: Test suite complete.

Press <ENTER> to continue...

Hit enter to continue and you'll return to the environment from (3).

5) Try some simple properties over Prelude types. For example;

*LSC2012> test $ \x xs -> head (x : (xs :: [Int])) == x
LSC: Depth 0:
LSC: Property holds after 1 tests.
LSC: Depth 1:
LSC: Property holds after 4 tests.
LSC: Depth 2:
LSC: Property holds after 6 tests.
LSC: Depth 137:
LSC: Property holds after 276 tests.

Or a failing property.

*LSC2012> test $ \xs n -> length (take n (xs :: [Int])) == n
LSC: Depth 0:
LSC: Property holds after 1 tests.
LSC: Depth 1:
LSC: Counterexample found after 2 tests.

Var 0: _
Var 1: -1
*** Exception: ExitFailure 1

*LSC2012> test $ \xs n -> 0 <= n ==> length (take n (xs :: [Int])) == n
LSC: Depth 0:
LSC: Property holds after 1 tests.
LSC: Depth 1:
LSC: Counterexample found after 5 tests.

Var 0: []
Var 1: 1
*** Exception: ExitFailure 1

*LSC2012> test $ \xs n -> 0 <= n ==> length (take n (xs :: [Int])) <= n