UofTMADLab / reach

A VR format for Twine
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Getting Started


To get started with reach you first need to install npm on your system. reach uses npm to manage its development dependencies.

With npm installed, clone the reach repository and run npm install.

Development Environment

The reach development environment is set up so that you can make changes to reach.js (or one of it's included scripts), and then reload a running twine story in your browser, seeing the code changes immediately (without having to re-add the updated story format in the twine editor). Any javascript errors will point back to the original .js script file.

This is accomplished by leaving an http server running on your computer, serving the files from the src folder.

Steps To start the development environment and to add the local reach story format to Twine:

Building the Production Version

The production build of reach is designed to be as compact as possible to make twine/reach stories more distributable. All of the reach scripts, underscore.js and a default 360 background images are packed together and stored entirely in the resulting story format description file.

From the reach folder: