A web based calcualtor, written in C#, with stardew valley based paramaters.
group context(internet)[Context Diagram]
service database(database)[Database] in context
service user(internet)[User] in context
service stardew(server)[Stardew Calculator] in context
user:R --> L:stardew
database:L <--> R:stardew
group application(disk)[Application]
service controller(internet)[Controller] in application
service model(disk)[Model] in application
service view(cloud)[View] in application
junction junctionLeft in application
junction junctionRight in application
controller:R <-- L:junctionLeft
controller:L <-- R:junctionRight
model:T <-- B:junctionLeft
view:T <-- B:junctionRight
TODO: Explain which steps and dependencies are required to run and build the project (e.g., pip install -r requirements.txt)
TODO: Explain how the whole project can be build.
TODO: Explain how unit- or integreation tests can be executed.
TODO: Explain how to run the project (client, server etc.).
TODO: Add license and copyright notice.