Uplink036 / WebMapping

MIT License
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A project that is designed to map a part of the web. Meaning, given a URL, it will branch out from there and find more websites. After completion, it will show it's result in a graph, where a node represents a website and its edges the connection to others.

In the future, there might be functionality to give the program n amounts of functions, which it will do once for each website.

How to Use


Current dependicdes are:

Most are needed, besides build. These can be installed using pip install -r requirements.txt


It can be built in two ways, which can be found in the Makefile. Heres an excerpt from it.

build: ## Build the (local) package
    python3 -m build

install: ## Install the (local) package
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -e .

Usually you want to only use the pip install -e ., since then you can test the program and use in other scripts.


After the program has been built, i.e., pip install -e . and you have pytest and hypothesis installed. You can run pytestto test the program.


Importing the WebMap by writting the following

import webmap 

See the main.py script to see how it runs.


This project has a devcontainer, which you can use to get a working example up quicky, if you feel like it. Does require docker, and is helped by the vscode exstensions like this.


Author(s) - Uplink036

This project uses MIT license.