Urban-Analytics-Technology-Platform / demoland-project

Developing a modelling system to quantify features of land use in urban environments, UK based
MIT License
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accessibility ai greenspace landuse sustainability


Developing a modelling system to quantify features of land use in urban environments for the United Kingdom.


The research code is written in Python and is organised in the code folder in the individual Jupyter notebooks.

To reproduce the environment, you can use the code/environment.yml file with a specification for conda.

Web app frontend


We have also created a web app, allowing users to visualise the outputs of the models and to compare the different scenarios we have chosen. The underlying code for the web app is hosted separately on GitHub.



Separately, we provide a book which fully describes the project and its methodology.

To view the book locally, install Quarto, and then run quarto preview from the root of the repository. The source code can be found in the /book subdirectory.

The /book directory also contains a notes.qmd file, which charts the history of the project as it has evolved. This is not included in the actual Quarto output; however, it is retained as a reference for anybody who would like to read it.