V-Sekai-fire / VSK_desktop_app

Elixir Automation App using the Desktop library with LiveView to create a desktop app
MIT License
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AutomationApp: A Desktop Automation App

This application is an Elixir LiveView based desktop application. It uses the elixir-desktop library and a local SQLite database to create a web-technology based desktop app.


Application set-up


cd assets
npm install
cd ..
mix assets.deploy

Levels of detail

Tell me how much detail you want?

  1. elementary

This is a desktop app of a website.

  1. highschool

  2. college

  3. doctoral

  4. contributors in the field

The framework is an Erlang vm with a Elixir Phoenix blob and a SQLite database. V-Sekai desktop uses wxwidgets webviews for os specific handling of the website ui.