This plugin provides a Pest adapter for the Neotest framework.
This is a fork of neotest-pest
originally by @theutz, with some fixes and updates:
:warning: Ive only focused on making this work for me. Please test against your Pest tests :warning:
Install the plugin using your favorite package manager.
Here's an example using lazy.nvim:
dependencies = {
config = function()
adapters = {
[!TIP] Any of these options can be set to a lua function that returns the desired result. For example, wanna run tests in parallel, one for each CPU core?
parallel = function() return #vim.loop.cpu_info() end,
adapters = {
-- Ignore these directories when looking for tests
-- -- Default: { "vendor", "node_modules" }
ignore_dirs = { "vendor", "node_modules" }
-- Ignore any projects containing "phpunit-only.tests"
-- -- Default: {}
root_ignore_files = { "phpunit-only.tests" },
-- Specify suffixes for files that should be considered tests
-- -- Default: { "Test.php" }
test_file_suffixes = { "Test.php", "_test.php", "PestTest.php" },
-- Sail not properly detected? Explicitly enable it.
-- -- Default: function() that checks for sail presence
sail_enabled = function() return false end,
-- Custom sail executable. Not running in Sail, but running bare Docker?
-- Set `sail_enabled` = true and `sail_executable` to { "docker", "exec", "[somecontainer]" }
-- -- Default: "vendor/bin/sail"
sail_executable = "vendor/bin/sail",
-- Custom sail project root path.
-- -- Default: "/var/www/html"
sail_project_path = "/var/www/html",
-- Custom pest binary.
-- -- Default: function that checks for sail presence
pest_cmd = "vendor/bin/pest",
-- Run N tests in parallel, <=1 doesn't pass --parallel to pest at all
-- -- Default: 0
parallel = 16
-- Enable ["compact" output printer](
-- -- Default: false
compact = false,
-- Set a custom path for the results XML file, parsed by this adapter
-- NOTE: This must be a path accessible by both your test runner AND your editor! --
-- -- Default: function that checks for sail presence.
-- -- - If no sail: Numbered file in randomized /tmp/ directory (using async.fn.tempname())
-- -- - If sail: "storage/app/" .."junit-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
results_path = function() "/some/accessible/path" end,
To test a single test, hover over the test and run lua require('neotest')
As an example, I have mine setup with
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>tn', function() require('neotest') end)
To test a file run lua require('neotest')'%'))
Example -
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>tf', function() require('neotest')'%')) end)
To test a directory run lua require('neotest')"path/to/directory")
To test the full test suite run lua require('neotest'){ suite = true })
I'm just one guy, maintaining this in my spare time and when I can get to it. Please raise a PR if you are interested in adding new functionality or fixing any bugs. When submitting a bug, please include an example test that I can test against.
To trigger the tests for the adapter, run:
This package is a fork of neotest-pest by @theutz, which relied heavily on olimorris/neotest-phpunit by @olimorris.