VBA-tools / VBA-Dictionary

Drop-in replacement for Scripting.Dictionary on Mac
MIT License
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VBA-Dictionary is a drop-in replacement for the useful and powerful Scripting.Dictionary so that it can be used with both Mac and Windows. It is designed to be a precise replacement to Scripting.Dictionary including Item as the default property (Dict("A") = Dict.Item("A")), matching error codes, and matching methods and properties. If you find any implementation differences between Scripting.Dictionary and VBA-Dictionary, please create an issue.



Download the latest release, unzip, and import Dictionary.cls into your VBA project.


' (Works exactly like Scripting.Dictionary)
Dim Dict As New Dictionary
Dict.CompareMode = CompareMethod.TextCompare

Dict("A") ' -> Empty
Dict("A") = 123
Dict("A") ' -> = Dict.Item("A") = 123
Dict.Exists "A" ' -> True

Dict.Add "A", 456
' -> Throws 457: This key is already associated with an element of this collection

' Both Set and Let work
Set Dict("B") = New Dictionary
Dict("B").Add "Inner", "Value"
Dict("B")("Inner") ' -> "Value"

UBound(Dict.Keys) ' -> 1
UBound(Dict.Items) ' -> 1

' Rename key
Dict.Key("B") = "C"
Dict.Exists "B" ' -> False
Dict("C")("Inner") ' -> "Value"

' Trying to remove non-existant key throws 32811
Dict.Remove "B"
' -> Throws 32811: Application-defined or object-defined error

' Trying to change CompareMode when there are items in the Dictionary throws 5
Dict.CompareMode = CompareMethod.BinaryCompare
' -> Throws 5: Invalid procedure call or argument

Dict.Remove "A"

Dict.Exists "A" ' -> False
Dict("C") ' -> Empty

Release Notes






Initial release of VBA-Dictionary