VCHS-R-D / Ronin-SC-Gimbal-Controller

Using Ronin SC s bus signals produced by a raspberry pi and inverter to control the DJI gimbal
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Project Goals

Controlling the Ronin SC Gimbal with:



  1. Download BMC_SBUS Library
  1. Upload arduino_controller.ino (in arduino_controller) to an Arduino
  2. Run on a pi

NOTE: Install the SoftwareSerial library in Arduino IDE if necessary

ROS Quick Start

  1. Flash a Raspberry Pi with the RoboQuest OS (only available to VCHS)
  2. Do all steps from Arduino Quick Start
  3. Add the following line to /boot/config.txt and then reboot the Pi: dtoverlay=uart3
  4. Copy and paste into your main package
  5. Go to the Robot Dashboard Site
  6. Create a Joystick that publishes to the topic /transform

NOTE: you will need a Roboquest PiHat