VCML / ResearchProgress

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for TL;DR

How to

Every week, each member of the group writes a progress report to Please put date, name, and chose a title to represent your work.

This progress report should also include both the previous week's plan (to see whether you accomplished your goals) and the next week's plan; of course, you should also think longer-term than one or two weeks. The body of the progress report should say what you have accomplished, what you learned, what difficulties you encountered or overcame, your new ideas for research directions or projects, and the like. Especially, if you have any technical challenges, please elaborate them so that others can share their thoughts and experiences with you.

The progress report need not be onerous. It can be a few paragraphs or a page, so it shouldn't take you long to write. And any time that you spend organizing your thoughts for the progress report will be well-spent and will more than pay itself back in better understanding and improved productivity.

Sending the report will make your work (and meetings with other team members) much more productive, because it will force you to think about your work in a manner concretely enough to write down, and it will give others an opportunity to reflect on it before the meeting proper. The progress report also enables others to know what you are doing. Frequently, the progress report prompt other group members to respond with ideas or suggestions of their own, which can help get you unstuck or give you additional avenues to explore.


Research Progress : github

Share Calendar : google calendar