VGP repository for the genome assembly working group
Starting the VGP v2.0 pipeline, the production has been moved to the Galaxy environment. The major difference from the Rhie et al. 2021 is the replacement of the CLR component to HiFi and additional options for QCing and Hi-C scaffolding.
The production of the VGP v1.0-1.1 assemblies has been performed on DNAnexus, which is available for anyone that registers. We welcome new trainees who are interested in leading the assembly of VGP and other genomes. Feel free to contact us.
The scaffolding pipeline to run on generic architecture and Docker containers is available to the public. This includes a WDL implementation of the scaffolding portion of VGP Assembly, as well as some of the QC steps. Note that Falcon assembly and Arrow polishing are not included.
The local pipeline is available for each individual step for scaffolding, polishing, and evaluation as bash scripts. These scripts were used to locally assemble the first 17 genomes described in Rhie et al. 2021.
Note the scripts are optimized to run on a Slurm schedular and tested on Biowulf. All submitter scripts have a prefix of _submit_
Pipeline for generating mitochondrial sequences is available on a conda release.
This is only relevant for our collaborators and data managers, for sharing sequencing data on genomeark not produced by VGP.
The meta data proposal and specifications. Actual meta data is stored in this repository.
VGP assemblies and genome assembly pipeline: Rhie et al., Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species, Nature 2021. doi:
Mitochondrial genome assembly pipeline: Formenti et al., Complete vertebrate mitogenomes reveal widespread repeats and gene duplications, Genome Biology 2021. doi: