VHRanger / nodevectors

Fastest network node embeddings in the west
MIT License
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This package implements fast/scalable node embedding algorithms. This can be used to embed the nodes in graph objects and arbitrary scipy CSR Sparse Matrices. We support NetworkX graph types natively.

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pip install nodevectors

This package depends on the CSRGraphs package, which is automatically installed along it using pip. Most development happens there, so running pip install --upgrade csrgraph once in a while can update the underlying graph library.

Supported Algorithms

Quick Example:

import networkx as nx
from nodevectors import Node2Vec

# Test Graph
G = nx.generators.classic.wheel_graph(100)

# Fit embedding model to graph
g2v = Node2Vec(
# way faster than other node2vec implementations
# Graph edge weights are handled automatically

# query embeddings for node 42

# Save and load whole node2vec model
# Uses a smart pickling method to avoid serialization errors
# Don't put a file extension after the `.save()` filename, `.zip` is automatically added
# You however need to specify the extension when reading it back
g2v = Node2Vec.load('node2vec.zip')

# Save model to gensim.KeyedVector format

# load in gensim
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format("wheel_model.bin")
model[str(43)] # need to make nodeID a str for gensim

Warning: Saving in Gensim format is only supported for the Node2Vec model at this point. Other models build a Dict or embeddings.

Embedding a large graph

NetworkX doesn't support large graphs (>500,000 nodes) because it uses lots of memory for each node. We recommend using CSRGraphs (which is installed with this package) to load the graph in memory:

import csrgraph as cg
import nodevectors

G = cg.read_edgelist("path_to_file.csv", directed=False, sep=',')
ggvec_model = nodevectors.GGVec() 
embeddings = ggvec_model.fit_transform(G)

The read_edgelist can take all the file-reading parameters of pandas.read_csv. You can also specify whether the graph is undirected (so all edges go both ways) or directed (so edges are one-way)

Best algorithms to embed a large graph

The ProNE and GGVec algorithms are the fastest. GGVec uses the least RAM to embed larger graphs. Additionally here are some recommendations:

Preprocessing to visualize large graphs

You can use our algorithms to preprocess data for algorithms like UMAP or T-SNE. You can first embed the graph to 16-400 dimensions then use these embeddings in the final visualization algorithm.

Here is an example of this on the full english Wikipedia link graph (6M nodes) by Owen Cornec:

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The GGVec algorithm often produces the best visualizations, but can have some numerical instability with very high n_components or too high negative_ratio. Node2Vec tends to produce elongated and filamented structures in the visualizations due to the embedding graph being sampled on random walks.

Embedding a VERY LARGE graph


GGVec can be used to learn embeddings directly from an edgelist file (or stream) when the order parameter is constrained to be 1. This means you can embed arbitrarily large graphs without ever loading them entirely into RAM.

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Why is it so fast?

We leverage CSRGraphs for most algorithms. This uses CSR graph representations and a lot of Numba JIT'ed procedures.