An online service to run ReproZip bundles in the cloud. No need to install reprounzip on your machine, point ReproServer to a RPZ file or upload one, and interact with the reproduced environment from your browser.
Additionally, ReproServer can capture remote web assets referenced by a web application that has been packaged as a RPZ file. That way, you will always be able to get a consistent reproduction of the RPZ bundle, even if those remote assets disappear.
Make sure you have checked out the submodule with git submodule init && git submodule update
You will need Tilt, kubectl, and a cluster with a local registry (that you can set up with ctlptl).
For example, create a local cluster with:
minikube start --kubernetes-version=1.22.2 --driver=docker --nodes=1 --container-runtime=docker --ports=8000:30808
Install the ingress controller using:
kubectl apply -f k8s/nginx-ingress.k8s-1.22.yml
Start the application for development using:
tilt up
You can then open http://localhost:8000/
in your browser. Tilt will automatically rebuild images and update Kubernetes as you make changes.
You will need Docker and docker-compose.
git submodule init && git submodule update
to .env
(you probably don't need to change the settings)docker-compose up -d --build
docker-compose -f up -d --build
in your browserHow to stop it: docker-compose down -v