VOKO-Utrecht / voko

Administration and automation for VOKO
4 stars 8 forks source link


Django based custom web application for food collective www.vokoutrecht.nl.

example workflow

Some notes

  1. The code base needs cleaning up and adding of tests.
  2. License: GNU GPLv3
  3. Use at your own risk, no support.

Development environment using Docker

Get the code

  1. Run: git clone https://github.com/VOKO-Utrecht/voko.git
  2. Run: cd voko

Initiate the database

  1. Run: docker-compose up db
  2. Wait until db is ready to accept connections
  3. Press CTRL-C to stop the db container again first time postgress restarts which confuses Django

Start voko website and run migrations

  1. Run: docker-compose up -d
  2. Run: docker exec -it voko_web_1 bash
  3. Run: ./manage.py makemigrations --settings=vokou.settings.development
  4. Run: ./manage.py migrate --settings=vokou.settings.development
  5. Run: exit

Create superuser in the voko web container

  1. Run: docker exec -it voko_web_1 bash
  2. Run: ./manage.py createsuperuser --settings=vokou.settings.development
  3. follow the prompts
  4. Run: exit

In your browser go to:

Login as the super user just created \ Use the admin site to create an order round (otherwise you get an ugly error going to the main site --FIXTHIS)

Development environment without Docker

  1. Run: pip install --user pipenv
  2. Run: git clone https://github.com/VOKO-Utrecht/voko.git
  3. Run: cd voko
  4. Run: pipenv install --dev
  5. Run: pipenv shell
  6. In vokou/settings/development.py: \
    • Uncomment config for sqlite3 \
    • Comment the config for postgresql

Set up sqlite database

cd webapp
./manage.py migrate --settings=vokou.settings.development
./manage.py createsuperuser --settings=vokou.settings.development

Run tests

cd webapp

Run development server

cd webapp
./manage.py runserver --settings=vokou.settings.development

Adding user

  1. Register as new user at: http://localhost:8000/accounts/register/
  2. Look up the confirmation token at: http://localhost:8000/admin/accounts/emailconfirmation/
  3. Visit (replace TOKEN with copied token): http://localhost:8000/accounts/register/confirm/TOKEN
  4. Log in as superuser and go to user admin: http://localhost:8000/admin/accounts/vokouser/
  5. Select your user, choose in dropdown: "Gebruikersactivatie na bezoek info-avond", click "Uitvoeren" button
  6. Log out as superuser, or visit the next link incognito (replace TOKEN with copied token): http://localhost:8000/accounts/register/finish/TOKEN
  7. Fill in fields and submit

Marking member as sleeping member

  1. Go to http://localhost:8000/admin/accounts/vokouser/
  2. Select user
  3. Choose in dropdown: "Anonimiseer account"
  4. Click "Uitvoeren" button

Re-activating sleeping member

  1. Go to http://localhost:8000/admin/accounts/sleepingvokouser/
  2. Open user
  3. De-tick "Sleeping (inactive) member"
  4. click "OPSLAAN" button