VVRPanda / ExpPoint-MAE

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ExpPoint-MAE: Better interpretability and performance for self-supervised point cloud transformers, arXiv, IEEE Access

Abstract — In this paper we delve into the properties of trans- formers, attained through self-supervision, in the point cloud domain. Specifically, we evaluate the effectiveness of Masked Autoencoding as a pretraining scheme, and explore Momentum Contrast as an alternative. In our study we investigate the impact of data quantity on the learned features, and uncover similarities in the transformer’s behavior across domains. Through compre- hensive visualizations, we observe that the transformer learns to attend to semantically meaningful regions, indicating that pretraining leads to a better understanding of the underlying geometry. Moreover, we examine the finetuning process and its effect on the learned representations. Based on that, we devise an unfreezing strategy which consistently outperforms our baseline without introducing any other modifications to the model or the training pipeline, and achieve state-of-the-art results in the classification task among transformer models.

Index Terms — Deep Learning, Transformers, Explainability, Point Clouds, Self-Supervision

Most of the code to reimplement our method is available, we will soon release the code to reimplenet the visualizations presented in our paper and the checkpoints used in our research.


1. Results

In this section we provide a summary of the results produced through our unfreezing strategy. The configuration files and the checkpoints for these models will soon become available.

Classification Task

Dataset Acc. - No Voting
ScanObjectNN objbg 90.02
ScanObjectNN objonly 90.88
ScanObjectNN hardest 85.25
ModelNet40 (1k) 93.7
ModelNet40 (2k) 94.0
Acc. - Voting
ModelNet40 (1k) 94.2

2. Requirements

- Step 1:

Install pytorch 1.12.0 and cuda 11.6 (recommended):

pip install torch==1.12.0+cu116 torchvision==0.13.0+cu116 torchaudio==0.12.0 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116

We have also tested our code with pytorch 1.11.0 and cuda 11.3

- Step 2:

Install other requirements using requierements.txt

- Step 3:

Manual installation of the following dependancies:

  1. Clone and install the chamfer distance from PointMAE original repo.
    # create an extensions subfolder and cd to that folder
    mkdir extensions && cd extensions
    # initialize a github repository
    git init
    # add PointMAE repo as remote
    git remote add -f origin https://github.com/Pang-Yatian/Point-MAE.git 
    # set up the sparse checkout by running (requires git version > 1.7.0)
    git config core.sparseCheckout true
    # configure the folder that we want to checkout
    echo "extensions/chamfer_dist" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
    # pull from the remote
    git pull origin main
    # restructure the folders to meet the project requirements
    mv ./extensions/chamfer_dist ./ && rmdir extensions

Install the module

cd chamfer_dist python setup.py install --user

Return to main repo

cd .. && cd ..

2. Install PointNet++ utils

pip install "git+https://github.com/erikwijmans/Pointnet2_PyTorch.git#egg=pointnet2_ops&subdirectory=pointnet2_ops_lib"

3. Install GPU kNN

pip install --upgrade https://github.com/unlimblue/KNN_CUDA/releases/download/0.2/KNN_CUDA-0.2-py3-none-any.whl

## 3. Datasets
In this work we use ModelNen40, ScanObjectNN, ShapeNet, and CC3D. See [DATASET.md](https://github.com/VVRPanda/ExpPoint-MAE/blob/main/docs/DATASET.md) for more details on how to download and set the datasets. 

*Do not forget to add the paths of the datasets in the configuration files.*

## 4. Examples 

 - Pretrain a transformer model on ShapeNet and CC3D - using the *cfgs/pretrain/ShapenetCC3DPretrain.yaml* configuration file. 

python pretrain.py --cfg_name "pretrain/ShapenetCC3DPretrain"

 - Finetune a transformer model on ModelNet40 using the checkpoint generated from the previous pretrain - using the *cfgs/finetune/ModelNetExample.yaml* configuration file. 

python finetune.py --cfg_name "finetune/ModelNetExample"

For further details on how to create a custom configuration file see the [CONFIG.md](https://github.com/VVRPanda/ExpPoint-MAE/blob/main/docs/CONFIG.md).

## Acknowledgements
Our code starts with a reimplementation of [Point-MAE](https://github.com/Pang-Yatian/Point-MAE.git) repo. 
We utilize [pytorch lightning](https://www.pytorchlightning.ai/index.html) in favor of clarity and reproduciblity.

## Citation

@ARTICLE{10497601, author={Romanelis, Ioannis and Fotis, Vlassis and Moustakas, Konstantinos and Munteanu, Adrian}, journal={IEEE Access}, title={ExpPoint-MAE: Better Interpretability and Performance for Self-Supervised Point Cloud Transformers}, year={2024}, volume={12}, number={}, pages={53565-53578}, keywords={Transformers;Solid modeling;Task analysis;Point cloud compression;Feature extraction;Training;Deep learning;Self-supervised learning;Deep learning;explainability;point clouds;self-supervision;transformers}, doi={10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3388155}}