VaclavSynacek / RF24SN_CPP_Server

C++, RF24-Rpi, Raspberry Pi Server implementation of RF24SN
MIT License
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RF24SN C++ Server

Full implementation of RF24SN on top of RF24-rpi - a Raspberry Pi port of arduino RF24 driver. Currently only runs on Raspberry Pi.

For full description of protocol, client server setup or alternative implementations, see RF24SN


Install RF24-rpi according to this guide.

Install libmosquitto

apt-get install libmosquitto-dev

Then compile

git clone
cd RF24SN_CPP_Server


sudo ./RF24SN

The sudo is required in standard Raspbian instalation unless access to /dev/spidevX.X and the GPIO pins has been granted to other user (via quick2wire or similar).


The SPI wires (yellow) have to go exactly to their counterparts:

The VCC (red) has to go to any 3.3V pin. Connecting it to 5V pin will damage the nRF24L01.

GRN (black) can go to any ground.

The CSN (blue) has to go to either CS0 or CS1. This determines the spi device. To use the /dev/spidev0.0 use the CS 0.

The CE(cyan) can go to any GPIO pin. The diagram follows the F24SN defaults - CE 25.

The IRQ pin is not used by this implementation.