VadimIpatov / zbx_pacemaker

A Zabbix template for pacemaker cluster monitoring with virtual ip
MIT License
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Zabbix Pacemaker Template

A Zabbix template for pacemaker cluster monitoring with virtual ip.

Author: Vadim Ipatov <> (



Metric Description
pacemaker.cluster.dc Current cluster DC (Designated Coordinator)
pacemaker.cluster.failed_actions The current number of failed actions
pacemaker.cluster.maintenance Shows if the cluster is in the maintenance state
pacemaker.nodes.offline The current number of offline (or in the shutdown state) nodes Shows if corosync daemon is in the running state Shows if pacemakerd daemon is in the running state
pacemaker.resources.failed The current number of failed (non active or blocked) resources
pacemaker.status Service item for data gathering Node hostname. If it changes, it could mean that the VIP has been moved to another node


You need to configure every cluster nodes as shown below:

UserParameter=pacemaker.status, sudo /usr/sbin/crm_mon --as-xml

zabbix ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/crm_mon --as-xml


You can check that everything works correctly by using crm_mon dumps in “tests” folder.

For this purpose you need to copy dumps to cluster nodes (or use your own) and add this UserParameter to config:

UserParameter=pacemaker.test[*], cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/tests/$1

Then change "pacemaker.status" item key to "pacemaker.test[sampleN.xml]" and save.

Also you could manually edit sample file for test different cluster states.