VadimNastoyashchy / real-test-js

RealTestJS - Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in JS.
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Fast and trustworthy testing for everything JS!

#### RealTestJS is a JavaScript test framework running on Node.js making testing simple and fun. ## Getting started > Before you follow the steps below, make sure you have the [Node.js]( installed _globally_ only your system ## Installing Install RealTestJS for Mac, Linux, or Windows: ```bash npm install real-test-js --save-dev ``` or ```bash yarn add real-test-js --dev ``` ## Write test: Use the test function to write test cases and the describe function to group them. More example: Let's start with test.js test file creation. ### `Example↓` test.js ``` import { describe, test, expect} from 'real-test-js' describe('Title for describe block', () => { test('Title for test', () => { const arr = [1, 2, 3] expect(arr).toHaveLength(3) }) }) ``` ## Run test: ```bash npx real-test-js --test="test.js" ``` or ```bash yarn real-test-js --test="test.js" ``` Where **--test=** your test file path ## `Configuration via config file` - `test.config.js` - config for Real Test JS (works as an engine) ### `Example↓` test.config.js ``` const config = { testDir: 'test', // testFile: 'test.js' reporter: { type: 'html', folderName: 'report', fileName: 'result', }, } export default config ``` --- | Option Name | Required | Type | Description | | ------------ | -------- | ------ | ----------------------- | | `"testFile"` | false | string | path to the test file | | `"testDir"` | true | string | path to the test folder | --- ### `Reporter options` #### By default report is disabled. To enable, add report configuration inside test config: ``` { testDir: "your_test_folder", reporter: { type: "html" }, } ``` --- | Option Name | Required | Type | Description | | -------------- | -------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------- | | `"type"` | false | string | reporter type. Now available: "json", "html" | | `"folderName"` | false | string | define reporter folder name | | `"fileName"` | false | string | define reporter file name | --- ## `Test runner API` --- | Option Name | Description | | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `"test"` | `test` is where you perform individual tests | | `"describe"` | `describe` is for organizing and grouping tests. Describe can be nested in `describe` | | `"beforeEach"` | Command allows to define setup tasks at the beginning of every It block | | `"afterEach"` | Command allow to define teardown tasks at the end of every It block | | `"beforeAll"` | Command allow to define setup tasks at the beginning of describe block | | `"afterAll"` | Command allow to define teardown tasks at the end of describe block | --- ## `Assertions` Use `expect(actual_value)` with assertions: ### `Example↓` ``` const arr = [1, 2, 3] expect(arr).toHaveLength(3) ``` --- | Assert Name | Description | | -------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `.toBeDefined()` | Check actual value to be not undefined `expect(1).toBeDefined()` | | `.toHaveLength()` | Check actual array length to have expected value `expect(arr).toHaveLength(number)` | | `.toBeFalsy()` | Check actual value to be false | | `.toBeTruthy()` | Check actual value to be true | | `.toEqual()` | Check actual and expected values are the same (using ===) `expect(value).toEqual(value)` | | `.notToEqual()` | Check actual and expected values are not the same (using ===) `expect(value).notToEqual(value)` | | `.toBeNull()` | Check actual value to be null | | `.notToBeNull()` | Check actual value to be not null | | `.toBeUndefined()` | Check actual value to be undefined | | `.toBeNaN()` | Check actual value to be NaN | | `.toBeGreaterThan()` | Check actual value to be greater than expected value | | `.toBeLessThan()` | Check actual value to be less than expected value | | `.toContain()` | Use when you want to check that an item is in an array or a string. | | `.toMatch()` | Use .toMatch() to check that a string matches a regular expression. | --- ## `Context options` Use `{}` as the second param for describe and tests func. ### `Example↓` ``` test('description', {}, () => {}) ``` or ``` describe('description', {}, () => {}) ``` ### `Example↓` ``` describe('description', { skip: true }, () => {}) //or test('description', { skip: true }, () => {}) ``` --- | Option Name | Description | | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `{ skip: true }` | Option for skipping describe/test where it was provided | | `{ timeout: 2000 }` | Option timeout (in ms) for specifying how long to wait before aborting. | | | The default timeout is 5 seconds. | --- ## `Async/Await support` RealTestJS also supports async/await approach. To use it just add `async` keyword before function callback inside `test` block ### `Example↓` ``` test('Wait 1 sec and check', async () => { const number = await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(1), 1_000) ) expect(number).toBeDefined() }) ```