Vadoola / Tomotroid

Simple Pomodoro Timer made with Rust + Slint. Design shamelessly ripped from Pomotroid
MIT License
35 stars 7 forks source link

A Shameless ripoff of Pomotroid. That I am creating to practice my Rust skills and to try and learn Slint

Current Status

A lot of the foundation has been laid, but this is not fully functional software yet.


Reasons I started this project

Why Mimic Pomotroid?

It seemed like a relativly nice clean design, and I don't claim to be the best UI / UX Designer in the world. Copying someone elses design allows me to focus on learning Slint and practicing Rust instead of struggling to come up with a good design. It also gives me a target to aim for, for example trying to figure out how to animate a path in slint instead of giving up quickly and modifying the design to suite what is easy.