VaggelisKa / my-desk
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Share a desk

App description

This is a simple workspace management applications that allows users to book and reserve desks in a shared workspace.

Tech stack

tl;dr: This is a full-stack application build with Remix which is a react framework that allows for server-side rendering.

The app is hosted on Vercel and is using Turso as a serverless SQLite database provider.


How to run

Before running the app, you need to create a .env file in the root of the project with the following content:


the actual values for DATABASE_AUTH_TOKEN and DATABASE_URL can be obtained from the Turso dashboard (talk with admin).

After that is in place, you can just:

  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Run the app: npm run dev

P.S Just be a bit careful when dealing with the database, as it's a shared resource and you can easily mess up the data for others.