VaianiLorenzo / ViPER

This repository contains the code to setup the experiments for the MuSe 2022 reaction sub-challenge.
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ViPER: Video-based Perceiver for Emotion Recognition

This repository contains the code for the paper "ViPER: Video-based Perceiver for Emotion Recognition" submitted for the MuSe 2022 Reaction Sub-Challenge.

Recognizing human emotions from videos requires a deep understanding of the underlying multimodal sources, including images, audio, and text. Since the input data sources are highly variable across different modality combinations, leveraging multiple modalities often requires ad hoc fusion networks. To predict the emotional arousal of a person reacting to a given video clip we present ViPER, a multimodal architecture leveraging a modality-agnostic transformer-based model to combine video frames, audio recordings, and textual annotations. Specifically, it relies on a modalityagnostic late fusion network which makes ViPER easily adaptable to different modalities. The experiments carried out on the HumeReaction datasets of the MuSe-Reaction challenge confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

📜 More details can be found in the paper.

📦 Model weights can be found here.


Extract frames from videos:

$ python \
  --input_folder data/mp4 \
  --output_folder data/frames \
  --n_frames 32 \
  --n_workers 16

Image cropping to detect people faces:

$ python \
  --input_folder data/frames \
  --output_folder data/frames_cropped \
  --batch_size 16 

Extract visual features from frames:

$ python \
  --input_folder data/frames \
  --output_folder data/features/visual \
  --model_name vit-base \
  --batch_size 16 \

Extract audio features from raw audio files:

$ python \
  --input_folder data/wav \
  --output_folder data/features/audio \
  --n_fragments 32 \
  --batch_size 32 \

Extract textual features from frames:

$ python \
  --input_folder data/frames \
  --output_folder data/features/textual \
  --clip_checkpoint_path data/clip_model/ \
  --batch_size 32 \


Training Perceiver:

$ python \
  --visual \
  --audio \
  --textual \
  --FAU \
  --visual_features_input_folder data/features/visual_cropped_age \
  --audio_features_input_folder data/features/audio \
  --textual_features_input_folder data/features/textual_cropped \
  --FAU_features_input_folder data/features/FAU \
  --csv_path data/data_info.csv \
  --output_checkpoint_folder data/checkpoints \
  --output_log_file data/log.txt \
  --n_epochs 50 \
  --batch_size 16 \
  --learning_rate 1e-5 \
  --step_size 10 \
  --log_steps 10


Test Predictions:

$ python \
  --visual \
  --audio \
  --textual \
  --FAU \
  --visual_features_input_folder data/features/visual_cropped_age \
  --audio_features_input_folder data/features/audio \
  --textual_features_input_folder data/features/textual_cropped \
  --FAU_features_input_folder data/features/FAU \
  --csv_path data/data_info.csv \
  --output_path data/submissions/submission.csv \
  --model_path data/checkpoints/checkpoints_VATF_cropped_age/perceiver_7.model \
  --batch_size 32

Confusion matrix:

$ python \
  --visual \
  --audio \
  --textual \
  --FAU \
  --visual_features_input_folder data/features/visual_cropped_age \
  --audio_features_input_folder data/features/audio \
  --textual_features_input_folder data/features/textual_cropped \
  --FAU_features_input_folder data/features/FAU \
  --csv_path data/data_info.csv \
  --model_path data/checkpoints/checkpoints_VATF_cropped_age/perceiver_7.model \
  --batch_size 32


  author = {Vaiani, Lorenzo and La Quatra, Moreno and Cagliero, Luca and Garza, Paolo},
  title = {ViPER: Video-Based Perceiver for Emotion Recognition},
  year = {2022},
  isbn = {9781450394840},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1145/3551876.3554806},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International on Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Workshop and Challenge},
  pages = {67–73},
  numpages = {7},
  keywords = {emotion recognition, modality-agnostic learning, multimodal learning, video processing},
  location = {Lisboa, Portugal},
  series = {MuSe' 22}