ValBaron10 / BirdSoundClassif

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Bird Sound Classification: API Integration

TODO add a brief description

Alt Text

Table of Contents


Allows users to upload WAV files containing bird sounds and receive classification results via email. Consists of two main services: an API service for handling user requests and an inference service for performing the actual classification.



Clone repository

git clone
cd BirdSoundClassif

Build Docker images


make build-all DOCKER_ACCOUNT=yourusername

- Running the build scripts manually:
cd docker/base
./ matthieujln

cd ../inference # /docker/inference
./ matthieujln

cd ../api # /docker/api
./ matthieujln

# Back to repository root
cd ../..

Configure environment variables and secrets

Rename .env.example file into .env to make secrets available to the docker compose service

All environment variables are listed at the top of the docker-compose.yml under this section:

x-common-env: &common-env

They are linked to each container with this:

    <<: *common-env


Api runs on port 8001

Launch services

docker compose up

# OR
make run-all

make run-all DOCKER_ACCOUNT=yourusername

Let this terminal process run and watch for logs in case of dysfunctionments Open a new terminal to run the next commands

Call REST Api upload functions

GET /upload-dev

A function that relies on a built-in wav file instead of a real upload.

POST /upload

A function receiving a wav file from the user.

TODO explain how does the @ get to point to a local file in a curl command

Congratulations! Your request is making a round trip inside the service, let's see what happens...

### Access service UIs

#### S3 Storage
When the upload arrives, the wav file is stored in an S3 bucket

- In your browser, go to `localhost:9001`, default user / password are `miniouser` / `miniouser123`
  - Change these values in the `.env` file if needed  
![Alt Text](docs/readme/minio.png)
- Click on the `mediae` folder, find the `wav` file and the `json` file containing the results!  
![Alt Text](docs/readme/minio2.png)

#### Mailhog (developer mail client)
When the api container gets the feedback messgae from the inference container, it sends an email to the user's email address

- In your browser, go to `localhost:8025`
- Click on the new message to see the mail body
- Click on the `MIME` tab an click on the `download` `application/json` button to download the classification results `json` attachement!  
![Alt Text](docs/readme/mailhog.png)

#### RabbitMQ Management
A web-based interface for monitoring and managing RabbitMQ message queues and their traffic.

- In your browser, go to `localhost:15672`
- Go to the `Queues` tab: find info about message traffic for both forwarding and feedback queues
- You can inspect the message bodies with the button `Get Message(s)`

### Shutdown / teardown services
docker compose down
# OR
make shutdown

Teardown (caution: storage volumes are deleted, use in dev mode only)

docker compose down -v
# OR
make teardown

Example of healthy logs

Api container startup

api-1        | INFO:pika.adapters.blocking_connection:Created channel=1
api-1        | INFO:root:Declaring queue: api_to_inference
api-1        | INFO:root:Declaring queue: inference_to_api
api-1        | INFO:     Started server process [11]
api-1        | INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
api-1        | INFO:     Application startup complete.

Inference container startup

inference-1  | INFO:root:RabbitMQ connection established.
inference-1  | INFO:pika.adapters.blocking_connection:Created channel=1
inference-1  | INFO:root:Declaring queue: inference_to_api
inference-1  | INFO:__main__:Waiting for messages from queue: api_to_inference

Upload -> inference pipeline -> email

api-1        | INFO:root:File 'Turdus_merlula.wav' written to MinIO bucket 'mediae' successfully.
api-1        | INFO:root:Published message: {'minio_path': 'mediae/Turdus_merlula.wav', 'email': '', 'ticket_number': 'c0ea90'}
api-1        | INFO: - "GET /upload-dev? HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
inference-1  | INFO:__main__:Received message from RabbitMQ: MinIO path=mediae/Turdus_merlula.wav,, Ticket number=c0ea90
inference-1  | INFO:__main__:WAV file downloaded from MinIO: Turdus_merlula.wav
inference-1  | INFO:model_serve.model_serve:Weights path: {self.weights_path}
inference-1  | INFO:model_serve.model_serve:Reversed birds dict: {self.reverse_bird_dict}
inference-1  | INFO:model_serve.model_serve:Loading model...
inference-1  | INFO:model_serve.model_serve:Model loaded successfully
inference-1  | INFO:model_serve.model_serve:Starting run_detection on Turdus_merlula.wav...
100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  2.15it/s]
inference-1  | INFO:model_serve.model_serve:[fp]:
inference-1  | <src.features.prepare_dataset.File_Processor object at 0x7385bc1dfe20>
inference-1  |
inference-1  |
inference-1  | INFO:model_serve.model_serve:[output]:
inference-1  | {'Turdus merula': {'bbox_coord': [[552, 182, 629, 258]], 'scores': [0.9958606362342834]}}
inference-1  | INFO:root:File 'Turdus_merlula.json' written to MinIO bucket 'mediae' successfully.
inference-1  | INFO:root:Preparing to publish message to queue: inference_to_api
inference-1  | INFO:root:Published message: {'wav_minio_path': 'mediae/Turdus_merlula.wav', 'json_minio_path': 'Turdus_merlula.json', 'email': '', 'ticket_number': 'c0ea90'}
api-1        | INFO:root:Fetching file 'Turdus_merlula.json' from MinIO bucket 'mediae'...
api-1        | INFO:root:File 'Turdus_merlula.json' fetched from MinIO bucket 'mediae' and saved to '/tmp/tmpukc2ftj7' successfully.
api-1        |
api-1        | Email sent successfully to for ticket #c0ea90
api-1        |



Structure des dossiers

Le dossier docker


cd docker/base

cd docker/inference

Lancement du container

Lancement du container en mode bash

# Si necessaire:
cd docker/inference

# Puis:

Dans le container:

python inference/

# Commandes de debug
# Check des libraries python:
pip freeze | cat

2ème essai, l'inférence tourne correctement

Modifs nécessaires pour le cpu:

root@0a0df020b2e4:/app# python inference/
2024-05-08 10:28:03,038 - INFO - [output]:
{'Turdus merula': {'bbox_coord': [[552, 182, 629, 258]], 'scores': [0.9958606362342834]}}