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Eriantys Java game

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Team members

Team:    ingsw2022-AM38
Valeria Amato
Francesco Barisani
NicolΓ² Caruso

Project overview

This group project was developed as the final test for the Software Engineering 2022 Course at Politecnico di Milano, held by teacher Alessandro Margara.

The Eriantys game is the Java-based version of the board game of the same name. Additional information on the original board game can be found at

The final version of the game contains the following:

Implemented Functionalities

Functionality Status
Basic rules 🟒
Complete rules 🟒
Socket 🟒
All Characters cards 🟒
Four-player game πŸ”΄
Multiple games 🟒
Persistence πŸ”΄
resilience to disconnections πŸ”΄


πŸ”΄ Not Implemented     πŸŸ‘ Implementing    πŸŸ’ Implemented

Tests coverage

All tests in model and controller show a classes' coverage of 100%.

The table below shows the detailed coverage rates on Model and Controller

Package Class, % Method, % Line, %
it.polimi.ingsw.controller 100% (7/7) 92.1% (35/38) 81.1% (425/524)
it.polimi.ingsw.model.board 100% (12/12) 93.3% (112/120) 93% (675/726)
it.polimi.ingsw.model.player 100% (6/6) 100% (52/52) 96.5% (192/199)
it.polimi.ingsw.model.specialCards 100% (4/4) 91.7% (33/36) 84.8% (106/125)

How to launch the JAR file and setup a game

In order to launch the game you have to run the jar file.
After opening a command terminal, navigate to the directory in which the jar file is located and type the following command:
java -jar AM38-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Once you have launched the "Eriantys" game by command line, you will be asked to choose between 3 options:

Each option is identified by a corresponding integer value which you will have to type in order to choose what to run.
The minimum configuration for playing a functioning game requires one running server and at least two clients, which can be any combination of CLI and GUI (e.g. one CLI and one GUI, two CLIs, etc.).
3-player games are also fully supported.
It is also possible to run multiple complete games on the same running Server.

To start a game, each client has to connect to the server by reaching it on its IP address and port. Then, the client application will ask the player to choose a unique nickname for the game and - if no other game is being created at that moment - the player will have to choose the game settings (number of players and expert / easy game mode).

Grateful for your time and attention, we wish you many exciting games with Eriantys.
Have fun!

- The developers team