ValentinSidorov / DeLorean_Team

Source project automotive BASECAMP
MIT License
0 stars 2 forks source link


Description of the project documentation

Document Description
task Setting a task for a project.
types Description of the structure of the yml file parser.
yaml_parser Description of the yml file parser procedure.
process_start Description of running processes.
logger Description of the message logging function.
main Description of the main function.
integration_test Description of the methodology for conducting integration tests.
unit_test Description of the methodology for conducting unit tests.
recommend Recommendations for the future development of the project.

Source project automotive BASECAMP

Build and run

cd build
cmake ../
./main ../tests/example.yml

Create code coverage report

Firstly, you need to install gcovr:

sudo apt-get install gcovr

Create a report:

cd build
make code_coverage
cd ../tests/code_coverage/report

Before commit

Check that your branch updated with main

git checkout main
git pull
git checkout validator
git merge main
git push

Make sure your code matches the Google C++ Style Guide.

For automatic format of all code you can use command:

find src/ -iname *.hpp -o -iname *.cpp | xargs clang-format -i -style=Google

or for one file

clang-format -i -style=Google src/main.cpp

(Warning, will modify code in place without any notice)

Check that tests passed

cd build
cmake ../

Be sure your code passed cppcheck without warnings

cppcheck --enable=all --inconclusive -i./build --std=c++14 main.cpp --suppress=missingIncludeSystem  -I include/ ./