Navbar 1/2 done, is responsive which is super cool, I watched a video on how to do that. And needs to be different when logged in but we will do that when the auth is done.
Footer 1/2 done, needs name and maybe an address
The login/signup page, is done just needs the Auth, some JS and things to get it working.
Some of menu is completed, we just need to map through the option that is selected.
Things to still do:
Nothing works except for the router
We also need to pick a name for the restaurant, right now I just have restaurant
Make sure you run npm install on the client side I added the styling components, switched the @apollo/server to @apollo/client, and installed antD
Pages Completed:
Things to still do:
Make sure you run npm install on the client side I added the styling components, switched the @apollo/server to @apollo/client, and installed antD