ValkovD / StarterNator-Bank

Full CRUD App with MERN Stack
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StarterNator Bank This is a CRUD App that uses MERN Stack technologies To start the app on your computer

  1. Download the code unzip or git clone
  2. From the terminal cd into the root of the project and type the npm install command that will pull all node modules { if it throws this error ('react-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command) just cd into the client folder ant manually npm install if it still repeats the error manually install the react scripts with (npm install react-scripts --save) that should help
  3. To start both of the servers use npm run dev (from the root of the project) this will fire up the front react server and the back nodejs server
  4. Currently developed to User registration, authentication, submit car, search cars, delete car.
  5. PS. On search tab if you press search without any input you will see all the cars available