ValkyrjaProject / Valkyrja.web

[PHP - laravel] Community Management bot for Discord (website)
MIT License
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Temp #text-channels | Request #68

Open Vexbane opened 5 years ago

Vexbane commented 5 years ago

I found your bot by doing a search "temp channels for discord" As awesome as rest of your bot is, I already have bots doing most of the stuff Valkyrja offers. I have already started using it for Temp Voice channels. But one option is missing:

  1. Add option for temp #text-channels in discord
  2. Default location created would be the category you are in for voice
  3. Default location option where the server owner wants it to default to
  4. Location created also could be a !cmd < location > when creating
  5. Make sure this cmd to create temp channel (permissions) is available for @everyone to use by default or cmd @ < specific roles >

Reasons why this is important feature:

  1. Think of snap-chat / why its so popular, privacy, stuff disappears
  2. If in large server with lots of voice channels, you have quite a few ppl in your voice chat and want to link / post something.. It has to either be a) send in dm to each b) post in a public chat for all to see that you dont want to c) you must explain where you posted it, @ping the person/s so easy to find or tell them and they have to scroll for days to find it

{Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain}

RheaAyase commented 5 years ago

The problem is how would we determine that the TEMPORARY text channel is no longer needed... It's simple with voice chat - it's empty for 3 minutes, delete it. With text chat? You can't tell.

Vexbane commented 5 years ago

Couple options I can think of right away (maybe more with more time to think about it)

  1. In creation require a -t cmd for x number of hours / minutes
  2. If -t cmd is not used, it defaults to 2-3 hours or so (or whatever server owner default sets it to) as depending on the server and popularity / use for server, some might require longer default times, like 24 hours default etc
  3. A more complicated one would be, if it is in conjunction with already established temp voice channel, when voice channel deletes, temp txt channel deletes as well... however, I see ppl wanting to utilize the temp txt channel feature while being in a normal (non temp) voice channel

If I think of more options, will be sure to relay info