ValkyrjaProject / Valkyrja.web

[PHP - laravel] Community Management bot for Discord (website)
MIT License
6 stars 3 forks source link

Copyright © 2016 Radka Janek,

alt CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


Please take a look at our website to see what's the bot about, full list of features, invite and configuration:


Please read the Contributing file before you start =)

If there is a security issue, contact SpyTec#1329 on Discord or email

Self hosting

If you are self-hosting Valkyrja and want configuration dashboard, you'd have to run our website on a server that can connect to the self-hosted Botwinder database.



  1. git clone or download as zip
  2. Copy www/.env.example to www/.env
  3. Configure .env with MariaDB/MySQL database connection and OAuth2 and bot tokens and APP_ENV to production
  4. Point web server of choice to www/public/. For further information on configuring check-out Laravel's installation guide

If you want to run website locally without the bot, do this after step 3:

  1. In www/ do php artisan migrate:install --seed

Some modifications are still required to fully configure the bot as we are currently not mocking the OAuth2 end.