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Behavior Score Update is Necessary #21667

Open vanndano opened 1 week ago

vanndano commented 1 week ago


The current BS system does not take into account that lower BS players will report for almost any reason. Gaining 100-150 BS For a conduct update where you get 29 commends but 1 match your team decides to turn against you and reports you once or twice is completely against what the system is supposed to do. Its been a long time since Ive stopped responding to ally toxicity. Half of the time I dont even use comms to avoid being the target of their frustration. And every game no matter how bad it is I still try to win, but the way reports are weaponized, there is no verification before BS is deducted. The worst part is, I watch people streaming 12k games and there are slur spammers, people literally breaking their items or afk jungling, and they dont even get a slap on the wrist. No one will stay playing this game just to grind Behavior score, and I am convinced the player base will continue to fickle if this isnt addressed. Valve please put a more intent solution image

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

No response



commentator24 commented 1 week ago

im not sure what excessive reports means, but shouldnt it be Yes when you had 3 reports? i think the current system doesn't fully work either.

What do you propose then? i think there are 4x2 basic scenarios here: bad/good behaviour players receiving true/false reports, and no penalty/penalised

if you also want to add scenarios where bad/good behaviour players making excessive reports penalised what would be the criteria..? and how much are they penalised?

vanndano commented 1 week ago

I have a lot to propose, and want to preface this that I am talking mainly about unranked matchmaking. We dont have access to the report data in the background to check, but Im willing to bet the quality of reports at <7k BS are not great, I see Overwatch reviews where NO GRIEFING occurs, just someone gets reported for being behind on a game, or not being in a particular fight, or having a different build than normal (e.g. silencer mask of madness with un-silenceable, which was extremely strong in turbo). In short, reports are more evidently retaliatory at lower BS. Lower quality reports should be taken with a grain of salt.

Also, you run into 135 players per conduct summary (60 are allies). 2 reports in 1/15 games can happen to anyone for any number of reasons out of that persons control. Ive been in games where the simple fact that the game was not skill balanced makes people rage and report their carry when they push up 15 minutes in. In turbo and ability draft mind you. Other factors that I know the current system does not compensate for are whether the game was a win or a loss, if the player was the pos 1 or 2. I think that anything in 1/15 matches should be considered noise data when it comes to finding who is really toxic PARTICULARLY IN CASUAL MODES. This is specially true at lower BS levels where you are expecting 1-3K BS players to Self-regulate behavior. If someone gets reported in 2 or 3 matches that shows a pattern.

Report quality is extremely poor, badly designed, and its not made to get better:

Most players do not give feedback:

Finally the improvement of behavior should not be a grinding factor, it shouldn't take 60-75 matches to gain 1K BS if they are not being toxic.

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

related issue #20578

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

DOTA does a poor job at incentivizing fair reports, there is no tooltip stating WHAT IS and WHAT IS NOT griefing so the needle moves with skill and whoever you managed to be matched with. Most competitive games have a clear set of tooltips.

I see Your point, I solidarity with this meaning of WHAT IS griefing : image Make note, this is not a full list of WHAT IS griefing: so some additional ways to griefing is in here : image

What is Your opinion about?

Could You provide any examples of the games, and Your ideas of how the tooltips should look like, please?

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

In that same venue, the system allows multiple reasons to be selected at once. This SHOULD NOT be allowed. You will NEVER run into a person, Griefing, being toxic in voice and chat, smurfing and hacking all at once, but this is what many players I see select when submitting a report. Griefing, toxic chat and voice, and smurfing should be separate reports because the consequences are very different. The current setup is just making reports less truthful for no reason.

I see Your point, do You have any ideas how to avoid the scenario when somebody makes two or more actions to report about? Could You describe Your idea of how to separate reports accurately, please? Does it meant that You have some experience when someone was regular unfair reported and then punished?

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

There is 0 consequence if a player purposefully abuses the report someone for no reason. I really believe that if a player consistently reports players for comm abuse when they never even uttered a voiceline/text/voice, for griefing when the game has just started, they should face some sort of alert warning them to not

Could You provide a source of information that there is 0 consequence if a player purposefully abuses the report someone for no reason, please?

It may be useful to use Dota+ to get the data even before the match is started and even queue again: image

Do You have a lot of experience when the data was mostly non-compliant?

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

This might sound counterintuitive, the threshold for automatic punishment is roughly 4 reports in casual, sometimes even less. Again, if you run into 135 players in 15 matches, 4 seems like a miniscule amount. Which means either people dont report bad behavior, or they run out of reports to use on a player.

Could You provide a source of the statistic, please? Does it mean that if an account grief just 4 of 15 matches, it may be a good idea no consequences to the account? What is a perfect coefficient in Your opinion?

vanndano commented 1 week ago

I said 4 reports not 4 matches being reported. Its from experience. The numbers will ahve to be reassessed if changes are made to the reporting UI.

vanndano commented 1 week ago

There is 0 consequence if a player purposefully abuses the report someone for no reason. I really believe that if a player consistently reports players for comm abuse when they never even uttered a voiceline/text/voice, for griefing when the game has just started, they should face some sort of alert warning them to not

Could You provide a source of information that there is 0 consequence if a player purposefully abuses the report someone for no reason, please?

It may be useful to use Dota+ to get the data even before the match is started and even queue again: image

Do You have a lot of experience when the data was mostly non-compliant?

There isn't any repercussion for the report giver to report someone falsely. I cant prove that...Nothing happens I can only tell you that you could jump into a game right now, and report someone who is doing nothing wrong, and you'll see 0 consequence

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

I said 4 reports not 4 matches being reported. Its from experience. The numbers will ahve to be reassessed if changes are made to the reporting UI.

Could You provide a frequency of reports, please? Could You describe the way may be useful to change the reporting UI to achieve the idea, please?

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

There isn't any repercussion for the report giver to report someone falsely. I cant prove that...Nothing happens I can only tell you that you could jump into a game right now, and report someone who is doing nothing wrong, and you'll see 0 consequence

IMO not less important that will the report count to the player in this case? And will a series of the report count? And not less important what will happened if the biggest part of reports is falsely, to not falsely reports?

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

True, there are a lot of way why reports may be sent with no reason (even due to miss click), the question is will they count this way?

vanndano commented 1 week ago

So again, 2 factors matter, report # and report quality. I dont have visibility over that data, I am merely pointing out factors that are not accounted for when utilizing it, like the fact that players demonstrably report more when they lose and they report more at lower Behavior scores. I am sure valve can verify this with overwatch confirmation and use that to adjust punishment at various behavior score levels.

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

So again, 2 factors matter, report # and report quality. I dont have visibility over that data, I am merely pointing out factors that are not accounted for when utilizing it, like the fact that players demonstrably report more when they lose and they report more at lower Behavior scores. I am sure valve can verify this with overwatch confirmation and use that to adjust punishment at various behavior score levels.

Could You describe the issue that You have with the behavior/communication scores and the report system, please?

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

So again, 2 factors matter, report # and report quality. I dont have visibility over that data, I am merely pointing out factors that are not accounted for when utilizing it, like the fact that players demonstrably report more when they lose and they report more at lower Behavior scores. I am sure valve can verify this with overwatch confirmation and use that to adjust punishment at various behavior score levels.

Could You describe the issue that You have with the behavior/communication scores and the report system, please?

It is important, due to it looks like We have very different experience, and currently I have no issues to the report system. I see that there are a lot of theoretically weakness or improvements of the system, ways to abuse or so, but the most important is how does it really work. And the most important is the way it works for You, because it is a real example of the issue, that may give useful data to understand what part of the system and which way, is a nice idea to improve.

vanndano commented 1 week ago

DOTA does a poor job at incentivizing fair reports, there is no tooltip stating WHAT IS and WHAT IS NOT griefing so the needle moves with skill and whoever you managed to be matched with. Most competitive games have a clear set of tooltips.

I see Your point, I solidarity with this meaning of WHAT IS griefing : image Make note, this is not a full list of WHAT IS griefing: so some additional ways to griefing is in here : image

What is Your opinion about?

Could You provide any examples of the games, and Your ideas of how the tooltips should look like, please?

Blizzards Overwatch used to have this image Not sure if they saw success but its something to try.

A pull down menu in terms of UI boils down to griefing, ability abuse and afk, which were previously listed options that can be all wrapped into 1. For comm abuse you have voice and text, for cheating you have hacks or smurfing. Almost every game has this breakdown (overwatch, apex, even CS used to have it). The devs can switch it based on what they care about distinguishing in terms of punishment method.

Now I definitively think LP and behavior lowering is a pretty weak form of punishment but that might be a different discussion, I have never recalled someone that has just gotten out of LP behave well.

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

hich were previously listed options that can be a

DOTA does a poor job at incentivizing fair reports, there is no tooltip stating WHAT IS and WHAT IS NOT griefing so the needle moves with skill and whoever you managed to be matched with. Most competitive games have a clear set of tooltips.

I see Your point, I solidarity with this meaning of WHAT IS griefing : image Make note, this is not a full list of WHAT IS griefing: so some additional ways to griefing is in here : image What is Your opinion about? Could You provide any examples of the games, and Your ideas of how the tooltips should look like, please?

Blizzards Overwatch used to have this image Not sure if they saw success but its something to try.

A pull down menu in terms of UI boils down to griefing, ability abuse and afk, which were previously listed options that can be all wrapped into 1. For comm abuse you have voice and text, for cheating you have hacks or smurfing. Almost every game has this breakdown (overwatch, apex, even CS used to have it). The devs can switch it based on what they care about distinguishing in terms of punishment method.

I see Your point. If there were a pull-down menu, it might reduce the number of reports being sent. However, how would that help with false reports? Also, what if there is more than one reason to report someone? For instance, if the account is being toxic and smurfing, or engaging in smurfing, cheating, griefing, and voice abuse?

At the moment, I don’t quite understand what the main benefit of a pull-down menu would be?

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

Now I definitively think LP and behavior lowering is a pretty weak form of punishment but that might be a different discussion, I have never recalled someone that has just gotten out of LP behave well.

True, mostly. Moreover, it seems like sometimes They don’t understand why They were reported, as seen in issue #21116. A user might behave as They would in Their daily life, using words that are common in Their environment. I think Low Priority (LP) is slightly better than a full Game or Community Ban. However, it seems like a complete solution hasn't been found yet. People are different, with varying environments, lifestyles, and expectations. The question what a fair decision in each case is. What do You think about?

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

This being said, there is another spectrum of players that over report, for any reason, even in the most casual modes. Its here that you need a good balance to filter out the noise and account for relevant factors (avg BS, whether game was a win or loss, if that player often reports for no reason)

What is " most casual modes"? Do You have any suggestion about the way of good balancing? What is the source of that relevant factors like mentioned are not counting? What wrong is in identifying a reason in current version of the Behavior system?

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

Correct reporting should be rewarded, same as having good conduct, (Blizzards overwatch had an actual ranking for your behavior, and it was pretty consistent with how well players worked as a team, thsi was rewarded by a weekly drop that got better the higher your behavior medal was)

Sounds interesting, what rewards may be useful to add that will motivate sending correct reports and avoid abuse? What to do in cases when a user purpose is to behave the way, and has no interest in any drop? Do You feel that benefits of ranking overwatch with drop while playing?

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

You often run into issues of having no reports, in the rare case that you have multiple griefers in consecutive games I have run into not being able to report someone (you know if you run out of reports if when you report for griefing, you dont have the "just now, 1 min ago, 5 min ago" checkboxes)

Does it meant that it may be useful to increase the limit of reports? I have never run out of reports.

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

The menu to get to the report is not clear for a new player to use, im willing to bet at least half of the player base has NEVER reported anyone.

Could You provide the source of the data, please? What is the main possible issue of that half of the player base has NEVER reported anyone?

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

Commends count next to nothing and not a lot of people bother to commend anyway.

In here I have some interesting data. For me commends works the way: When I comment someone, it is likely I'll have a teammate the skill level. So, I do not recommend commending those players who are playing the style not appropriate for You.

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

Finally the improvement of behavior should not be a grinding factor, it shouldn't take 60-75 matches to gain 1K BS if they are not being toxic.

To be honest, I haven't done anything on purpose to have 12_000 scores, I just play like usually. So, I do not have to grind to have the number of scores.

So, is it possible that Your account trapped in a pull of toxic players that reports Yor account for nonsense and the reports some why counts? Do You have the same issue on other accounts? What are Your current behavior scores? Do You have any information about the amount of behavior scores people You usually play with?

Armindota commented 1 week ago

Armindota commented 1 week ago

finally i see a post about this behavior how is it possible to gain behavior score? my answer is there is no way u can gain behavior score only exception is to paly as 5 no other way ive been playing like 500 turbo games still stuck at 4k behavior score 1 guy reports me for losing his lane in turbo then i get like - 200 bs i can even give matches id to show im doing my best i dont feed i dont talk i dont even use chat wheel only thing i use is well playe when we win idk how to raise this bs cant play 1 rank game.

Armindota commented 1 week ago

![Uploading Screenshot 2024-09-08 163437.png…]()

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

image image image image image

Interesting, here is my statistic.

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

finally i see a post about this behavior how is it possible to gain behavior score? my answer is there is no way u can gain behavior score only exception is to paly as 5 no other way ive been playing like 500 turbo games still stuck at 4k behavior score 1 guy reports me for losing his lane in turbo then i get like - 200 bs i can even give matches id to show im doing my best i dont feed i dont talk i dont even use chat wheel only thing i use is well playe when we win idk how to raise this bs cant play 1 rank game.

I do not mind discussing the match details, as same as matched before or after the mach. It sounds like some why Your teammates report You. So, if we manage to find a reason, or manage to prove that all the reports were not fair, it may be very useful. First one possible to You, the second one to potential improvements of behavior system.

zeev027 commented 1 week ago

21194 possible related issue.

specially if u have a 5kbelow BS it is definitely hard to gain BS, random reports . the bs update every 15 games (normal) sometimes i gain 200-300 after 15games (15hours of playing) but 1 report might decrease it -200 -500 or even -1k. Since in lower BS we cant chat we normally ping'ed the map when we want to go. but excessive pingging will just decrease your BS .

I already tried playing without pinging the map nor items or hero. but still on every 15 games . If ever 1 of those game you got 1 report you already wasted your 15hours of playing until it would be updated . its like hell tbh. I , myself want to play Dota but it is hard to waste time just because of this matter and not enjoying the game.

zeev027 commented 1 week ago

I dunno if anybody was really checking our reports tho.

IgorHoruzha commented 1 week ago

21194 possible related issue. specially if u have a 5kbelow BS it is definitely hard to gain BS, random reports . the bs update every 15 games (normal) sometimes i gain 200-300 after 15games (15hours of playing) but 1 report might decrease it -200 -500 or even -1k. Since in lower BS we cant chat we normally ping'ed the map when we want to go. but excessive pingging will just decrease your BS .

I already tried playing without pinging the map nor items or hero. but still on every 15 games . If ever 1 of those game you got 1 report you already wasted your 15hours of playing until it would be updated . its like hell tbh. I , myself want to play Dota but it is hard to waste time just because of this matter and not enjoying the game.

Could You provide Your Match Player Report Incoming, please?*PLACE_YOUR_STEAM_ID_HERE*/gcpd/570/?category=Account&tab=MatchPlayerReportIncoming

Armindota commented 1 week ago

21194 possible related issue. specially if u have a 5kbelow BS it is definitely hard to gain BS, random reports . the bs update every 15 games (normal) sometimes i gain 200-300 after 15games (15hours of playing) but 1 report might decrease it -200 -500 or even -1k. Since in lower BS we cant chat we normally ping'ed the map when we want to go. but excessive pingging will just decrease your BS .

I already tried playing without pinging the map nor items or hero. but still on every 15 games . If ever 1 of those game you got 1 report you already wasted your 15hours of playing until it would be updated . its like hell tbh. I , myself want to play Dota but it is hard to waste time just because of this matter and not enjoying the game.

Could You provide Your Match Player Report Incoming, please?*PLACE_YOUR_STEAM_ID_HERE*/gcpd/570/?category=Account&tab=MatchPlayerReportIncoming

why u comment here man if u dont read what im saying? we are saying here we cant get out of low behavior score only way is to play as 5 now u saying i have 12 behavior score ? so? do you even read what we are talking about here?

Armindota commented 1 week ago

we are here trying to say u cant get out of 5k behavior score no way to raise behavior under 5k and this guy is saying i have 12k behavior ? so? its been 2 month im grinding behavior score i started from 3k now i have 4k how many games i should play in turbo to get a single ranked game u grin 1k behavior score then suddenly a 4 stack player reports for nothing and u get like -300 behavior score this system is brokne u get +100 for every 15 games and for 1 reported game you get -300!!!!!!!

IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago

why u comment here man if u dont read what im saying? we are saying here we cant get out of low behavior score only way is to play as 5 now u saying i have 12 behavior score ? so? do you even read what we are talking about here?

I see Your point, would You. On My opinion, I read Your messages accurately, and now I'm trying to get more information about the issue. To understand is the issue on the side of behavior system, or a way You prefer to play.

IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago

we are here trying to say u cant get out of 5k behavior score no way to raise behavior under 5k and this guy is saying i have 12k behavior ? so?

I see your point, but currently looking for data that may help to prove or disprove it and understand the side and a reason of an issue.

IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago

its been 2 month im grinding behavior score i started from 3k now i have 4k how many games i should play in turbo to get a single ranked game u grin 1k behavior score then suddenly a 4 stack player reports for nothing and u get like -300 behavior score this system is brokne u get +100 for every 15 games and for 1 reported game you get -300!!!!!!!

So if You have +100 every 15 games You will need to play near about 900games to have 10_000 scores back from 4_000scores . If games are turbo and length is 30 minutes 900 games is about 450 hours of playing in beast case.

Not less important is the report the account was taken is falsie? Are there any reports that on Your opinion were unreasonable?

IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago

I dunno if anybody was really checking our reports tho.

Report value and reasonable may be calculated automatically. So, if You feel like Your account is periodically reported with no reason it may be useful to discuss. In case of some unaccounted logic that need attention.

IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago

21194 possible related issue. specially if u have a 5kbelow BS it is definitely hard to gain BS, random reports . the bs update every 15 games (normal) sometimes i gain 200-300 after 15games (15hours of playing) but 1 report might decrease it -200 -500 or even -1k. Since in lower BS we cant chat we normally ping'ed the map when we want to go. but excessive pingging will just decrease your BS .

I already tried playing without pinging the map nor items or hero. but still on every 15 games . If ever 1 of those game you got 1 report you already wasted your 15hours of playing until it would be updated . its like hell tbh. I , myself want to play Dota but it is hard to waste time just because of this matter and not enjoying the game.

Could You provide more details, please? Could You provide Your Match Player Report Incoming, please?*PLACE_YOUR_STEAM_ID_HERE*/gcpd/570/?category=Account&tab=MatchPlayerReportIncoming

vanndano commented 6 days ago

21194 possible related issue. specially if u have a 5kbelow BS it is definitely hard to gain BS, random reports . the bs update every 15 games (normal) sometimes i gain 200-300 after 15games (15hours of playing) but 1 report might decrease it -200 -500 or even -1k. Since in lower BS we cant chat we normally ping'ed the map when we want to go. but excessive pingging will just decrease your BS .

I already tried playing without pinging the map nor items or hero. but still on every 15 games . If ever 1 of those game you got 1 report you already wasted your 15hours of playing until it would be updated . its like hell tbh. I , myself want to play Dota but it is hard to waste time just because of this matter and not enjoying the game.

Could You provide Your Match Player Report Incoming, please?*PLACE_YOUR_STEAM_ID_HERE*/gcpd/570/?category=Account&tab=MatchPlayerReportIncoming

why u comment here man if u dont read what im saying? we are saying here we cant get out of low behavior score only way is to play as 5 now u saying i have 12 behavior score ? so? do you even read what we are talking about here?

It's ironic that you ask Why I comment here without reading when you clearly don't know who thread this is? I made the thread, im asking you to back up your claims by posting your report history so we can check the validity of what you are saying. I dont need people putting false information up because they are salty they are low BS, that only hurts the cause of asking devs to fix it. So put your screenshots up, you should have nothing to lose if its true

IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago

It's ironic that you ask Why I comment here without reading when you clearly don't know who thread this is?

I see Your point, I suggest to get additional additional from another person who suppose has close issue. You have already provided the data earlier, and I think it may be useful to compare.

IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago

I made the thread, im asking you to back up your claims by posting your report history so we can check the validity of what you are saying.

here it is I have: image image image

IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago

I dont need people putting false information up because they are salty they are low BS, that only hurts the cause of asking devs to fix it. So put your screenshots up, you should have nothing to lose if its true

True, sometimes it’s necessary to prove the information. I can confirm that if the behavior score is over 10,000, it’s still possible to increase the score, even after receiving five reports.

IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago

It looks like leaving matches costs much more than reports in BS after 10_000.

IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago

@vanndano It looks like I have more reports on 10_000-12_000 than in statistic You have provided.

Just look 27 reports, but it looks like all of them were fatly.


IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago

But in this case, there were only 10 reports, and it seems like some of them were entirely fair. I think I understand why I was reported. I realize that some people may not like the playstyle I used at times. Sometimes I play experimental tactics, or after winning a team fight, I might not push but instead go for Roshan, the Tormentor, or farm some creeps. I’ve also bought sentry wards and given them to random teammates (even cores) because I didn’t have enough inventory slots(and them also). IMO these aren't exactly acts of griefing for 100%, but they were definitely controversial decisions, some of which I no longer use. Dut du effectiveness and real world consequences.

For example, teammates started denying my sentry wards and returning them back (especially those also had not free slots). And then the game was Defeated(due to we had no sentry wards at all but meemies had some heroes with Invisibility), and it repeated several times with different teammates. Now I'm giving wards only to those teammates who have free slots, and if they return them back, I'm not trying to give the wards back to the teammate again(like a hot potato).


@vanndano @zeev027 Do You have any opinion about new data provided that You would like to share? Or maybe something to add?

IgorHoruzha commented 6 days ago


vanndano commented 6 days ago

But in this case, there were only 10 reports, and it seems like some of them were entirely fair. I think I understand why I was reported. I realize that some people may not like the playstyle I used at times. Sometimes I play experimental tactics, or after winning a team fight, I might not push but instead go for Roshan, the Tormentor, or farm some creeps. I’ve also bought sentry wards and given them to random teammates (even cores) because I didn’t have enough inventory slots(and them also). IMO these aren't exactly acts of griefing for 100%, but they were definitely controversial decisions, some of which I no longer use. Dut du effectiveness and real world consequences.

For example, teammates started denying my sentry wards and returning them back (especially those also had not free slots). And then the game was Defeated(due to we had no sentry wards at all but meemies had some heroes with Invisibility), and it repeated several times with different teammates. Now I'm giving wards only to those teammates who have free slots, and if they return them back, I'm not trying to give the wards back to the teammate again(like a hot potato).


@vanndano @zeev027 Do You have any opinion about new data provided that You would like to share? Or maybe something to add?

Nope, I said my piece in my second comment, I wouldn't take into consideration 2023 data, there was a time where reports were triplicated (1 report for some reason was shown as 3 in the matchmaking incoming report tool). For a while ti was broken too, it would say that I got LP when in reality there was no LP matches to play nor did my BS go down. That data is not great.

no offence but it would be better if you were concise in your replies instead of replying 10 times on the same post

IgorHoruzha commented 5 days ago

Nope, I said my piece in my second comment, I wouldn't take into consideration 2023 data, there was a time where reports were triplicated (1 report for some reason was shown as 3 in the matchmaking incoming report tool). For a while ti was broken too, it would say that I got LP when in reality there was no LP matches to play nor did my BS go down. That data is not great.

I see Your point, I have some fresher data from 2024: Increasing BS despite even 5 reports 10_000 BS+: image And No difference despite 1 report 12_000 BS: image

I have almost no reports after 2024-05-16 10:40:47 GMT 10468 BS scores.

IgorHoruzha commented 5 days ago

no offence but it would be better if you were concise in your replies instead of replying 10 times on the same post

I see Your point, and You’ve provided an interesting concept with some intriguing ideas. In My opinion, it might be useful to compare this concept with the current system, considering the existing benefits, issues, and feedback. This could help identify the potential advantages and their value. Additionally, it would be worthwhile to discuss any possible weaknesses benefits and the details of implementation of the concept including the challenges of current one.