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[TF2] Players can bypass equip region restrictions using the +quickswitch command. #4055

Open gurfan opened 2 years ago

gurfan commented 2 years ago

The quickswitch menu does not check for equip region conflicts on some cosmetics. Using the quickswitch menu allows players to equip cosmetics that would normally conflict. This happens with cosmetics with the whole_head equip region.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the quickswitch menu using +quickswitch
  2. Equip a whole_head cosmetic that would normally conflict.
rabscootle commented 1 year ago

Unlike past situations involving Unusual Misc items, fixing this bug would be just that, fixing a bug. This would not involve changing the item_schema or any other economy-related functions, only patching a loophole caused by an oversight in client code.

Requests to change/modify existing equip_region values should be left to another ticket if/when this bug is fixed. And even then, that is more of a thing that should be emailed to the TF2 Team via contact form and not something that belongs on the GitHub.

CorvisCord commented 1 year ago

Unlike past situations involving Unusual Misc items, fixing this bug would be just that, fixing a bug. This would not involve changing the item_schema or any other economy-related functions, only bypassing a loophole caused by an oversight in client code.

Requests to change/modify existing equip_region values should be left to another ticket if/when this bug is fixed. And even then, that is more of a thing that should be emailed to the TF2 Team via contact form and not something that belongs on the GitHub.

Yes, because removing an entire sub-market overnight will have 0 effect on the economy...

If quick-switch gets removed, all the hats crash in value, regular miscs skyrocket when the market catches up, and people are left with permanent unease about the state of “glitched” items.

JoriKos commented 1 year ago

If you put your money into something that entirely relies on unintended behaviour, you should realistically be expecting that it can disappear at any moment.

2poor2day commented 1 year ago

Holy shit the amount of negativity on this. @kisak-valve please ignore the nonsensical replies about "muh economy", this is a bug and as such should be fixed.

Equip regions were added for a reason and quickswitch not respecting that was unintended from the start.

Let me guess. You're also too poor like me so you don't want others to enjoy nice things.

It's a bug that doesn't hurt anyone. If if bothers people like you so much, the fix should be to make them normal unusual miscs.

rabscootle commented 1 year ago

Yes, because removing an entire sub-market overnight will have 0 effect on the economy...

If quick-switch gets removed, all the hats crash in value, regular miscs skyrocket when the market catches up, and people are left with permanent unease about the state of “glitched” items.

First off, there's only a small percentage of cosmetics that are affected by this bug being fixed. Furthermore, when you purchase an item due to a bug, you need to keep in mind that the behavior you are experiencing is not intentional and can be fixed at any time. This was the case with other glitched/bugged items, and the precedent has already been set for years.

Valve has made it clear for nearly a decade now that Unusual-quality cosmetics should only be those that are considered 'hats'. When you are using this bug to wear this cosmetic with another that would normally conflict, you are exploiting an oversight that Valve did not account for. The only way that this is truly economy breaking was if they went back and changed these items to another quality. This will not happen; they will honor these items and keep them in the original quality they were granted.

In the event this bug is patched, you will still be able to wear this cosmetic as Valve intended!

2poor2day commented 1 year ago

I am too poor to buy an unusual hat let alone two. So I want them to patch the bug so that others who have money and have spent it on buying expensive unusual hats for combining can't do it any more. Then I can feel better about myself.

rabscootle commented 1 year ago

It's a bug that doesn't hurt anyone. If if bothers people like you so much, the fix should be to make them normal unusual miscs.

Asking them to update the equip_regions is a completely different request and should be put into a separate ticket. This report focuses on an exploit caused by using quickswitching. This does not change anything regarding any affected items (and their schema entries) themselves.

2poor2day commented 1 year ago

Ever since my friend bought an unusual flames whirly warrior he was able to make a double flames combo. I felt really bad because I don't even have money to buy strange weapons. Even though it doesn't affect me directly I still want them to fix the bug so I can feel better about myself.

2poor2day commented 1 year ago

Then why limit it to something caused by a bug? Let's get rid of ALL miscs and things that obscure the end of the head if it's such an important subject matter for you. No, that would be needlessly destructive and would be terrible for the economy. So why doesn't the same apply for this?

I actually agree with this, I would think getting rid of/restricting these miscs in some way would be beneficial, and make gameplay less confusing and more optimized for players. But that's just my two cents, this is for the developers to decide on.

Remove all hats. I can't decide whether it's a fox that's trying to blow up my guts or a black man.

GDGYGO commented 1 year ago

@2poor2day Spamming the thread with nonsensical namecalling isn't exactly helping your case, and it's only making you and your side look quite childish, quite frankly. If you have nothing useful to add to the topic, kindly stop posting.

2poor2day commented 1 year ago

@2poor2day Spamming the thread with nonsensical namecalling isn't exactly helping your case, and it's only making you and your side look quite childish, quite frankly. If you have nothing useful to add to the topic, kindly stop posting.

If you're going to accuse me of something then point me to where I namecalled. Cause as far as I see I'm only voicing my opinion about why I want the bug fixed. So I can feel better about myself.

matty4kek commented 1 year ago

I think It would just be for the best to just lock this issue, since there's no more civil discussions going on, aside from just name-calling from new accounts. @kisak-valve

SinFour commented 1 year ago

@Archetexture None of those cosmetics use the whole_head equip region and they should not be affected by this fix. Feel free to submit a new issue addressing the images you have just posted. Thanks!

Ok, here is one example per class of many examples of completely harmless combos that would be impossible with this fix. While I agree with the sentiment that bugs should be patched, where do we draw the line? This bug has very little impact in games, the larger head more closely matches the head hitbox in many cases. I noticed that, in the examples of issues caused by the bug posted earlier, every single issue was caused by large hat cosmetics - not the whole head cosmetics. This game also has many bugged items, such as dupes, glitched non-craftables, legacy paints, normal quality stranges, crafted uncraftables, glitched vintages and that's all just surface level. Where is the line drawn? All of these are glitched, so should they all be removed/patched?

Click to expand ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image](
SinFour commented 1 year ago

Thank you for reminding me of this. All those glitched normal quality stranges, the support granted incorrect vintages, those should all be fixed to their proper state.

I've started playing the lottery so when I win, I can buy them all up and delete them all. So it's either fix them or I buy them and they gone 🤣

All you achieved here was making it clear that you don't care about the fact that it's a bug, it's just spite.

Quickswitches are, in practice, entirely a good thing. They give people that like dressing up their characters, which is a large draw to this game more freedom and combinations. They don't make it harder to figure out where a players head is, in fact most of them fit the head hitbox better than default. Glitched items are not something that should be "fixed" unless they cause actual problems in the game. Patching glitched items also won't exclusively affect the glitch economy, because it just says "your obscure thing that we've left alone for 8 years is now fair game and we can delete it without warning."

SinFour commented 1 year ago

Still a bug.

Surfing, rocket jumping, ctaps, trimping etc etc Please stop trying to bait here, it distracts from the actual debate.

2poor2day commented 1 year ago

Some of us were born into a poor family and never made the right choices that could lead us to financial freedom of buying nice unusuals without missing out on paying rent on time. So we naturally want those who have to have no longer. We might call it "fixing a bug", "cosmetics clip too much", "you should have known it was a bug that could be patched at any given time", but deep down we're still trying to deal with our own misfortune and insecurities. It's a typical case of "if I can't have it then they shouldn't either." I should learn to not be a loser and let other normal people play dress up online. After all, they are not hurting anyone.

JoriKos commented 1 year ago

Some of us were born into a poor family and never made the right choices that could lead us to financial freedom of buying nice unusuals without missing out on paying rent on time. So we naturally want those who have to have no longer. We might call it "fixing a bug", "cosmetics clip too much", "you should have known it was a bug that could be patched at any given time", but deep down we're still trying to deal with our own misfortune and insecurities. It's a typical case of "if I can't have it then they shouldn't either." I should learn to not be a loser and let other normal people play dress up online. After all, they are not hurting anyone.

I think continually repeating the point that people hate other people for being richer is not only incorrect, but also unproductive. Just because you keep bringing it up, doesn't make it more true.

Gr4pevine commented 1 year ago

At risk of further fueling the dumpster fire -

I think fixing this now after its had years to become an ingrained feature within the trading community would imply all the other weird glitched items are no longer "off limits" of being reverted to their "proper" state.

This is why clarity would be so important when doing something like this. By fixing just the one issue and then leaving things ambiguous, you leave the trading community to wonder what the next victim will be. I think the only safe way to approach equip regions is all or nothing. Either hit everything at once with a sweeping reform to how equip regions function and explicitly say that's the end of it, or don't do anything.

What's important to remember, though, is the distinction between equip region bugs and other bugged cosmetics. Something like a Normal Strange is one-sided in that no one really has to even know you own it. There will always be people that complain about anything, but the vast majority of players will never even be aware of item quality bugs, let alone think negatively of them. Everyone has to see your abysmal clipping head though.

Yetoo1 commented 1 year ago

this is a bug and as such should be fixed.

I don't see this kind of dogmatic bug categorization with things like surfing and parts of other source games used for speed running (which the latter Valve has left in because how much people use them). Of all the things that need to be fixed, why this one especially when it doesn't affect gameplay? I believe that it is correct that there should be an issue created for this for the sake of an issue being created for it, but I don't get the reasoning that one is so incorrect for not wanting this bug fixed.

shadlamppost commented 1 year ago

Replying to

I don't think valve is gonna patch this one, considering they accidentally made the wandering wraith unboxable as unusual, then refused to remove it from the unusual pool / update its equip region after only three were unboxed.


Don't believe me? Check the creators profile comment for yourself - Retro Mike's Profile.

ArkyIsDead commented 1 year ago

this is a bug and as such should be fixed.

I don't see this kind of dogmatic bug categorization with things like surfing and parts of other source games used for speed running (which the latter Valve has left in because how much people use them). Of all the things that need to be fixed, why this one especially when it doesn't affect gameplay? I believe that it is correct that there should be an issue created for this for the sake of an issue being created for it, but I don't get the reasoning that one is so incorrect for not wanting this bug fixed.

As everyone else has stated, considering those are bugs then they should be fixed as well. As was said, a "bug is a bug and it should be fixed".

ArkyIsDead commented 1 year ago

To add to this; nothing any of you say will "fix" this bug. It has been known about for years by Valve, and has been untouched even whilst knowing about it. The only reason you created this post is because you aren't able to afford one of said cosmetics and are doing this out of spite. This does not negatively impact you in anyway, nor does it actually affect the game, and the only way you're affected by said "bug" is because you're too broke to afford the items in question.

GDGYGO commented 1 year ago

I don't think valve is gonna patch this one, considering they accidentally made the wandering wraith unboxable as unusual, then refused to remove it from the unusual pool / update its equip region after only three were unboxed.

Unlike that case, fixing this bug does not actually change or revert anything about the hats themselves, their quality, or their equip region. It's just a correction to an unrelated feature that doesn't work as it should- quickswitching.

ArkyIsDead commented 1 year ago

Replying to

If you honestly believe that Valve has 0 idea this bug existed then your IQ is much lower than anticipated. Also about you stating my only argument was that you’re complaining because “you can’t afford it”, well It’s very obviously the case. The only true argument you have is that “It’s a bug and that means It needs to be fixed” - That will go towards a lot of widely used “bugs” if that’s the only argument you have.

grow up and stop caring about a bug that doesn’t affect you. it’s petty and childish; I remember seeing you mention how you’d “save up for glitched items just to delete them”.. lmfao

Explain how this bug negatively impacts you, how does this small issue make your day harder? Your constant argument of “It’s a bug so it needs to be fixed” isn’t exactly valid. So since you so kindly tried to put holes into my argument, how about you give a brief explanation of how hard life is with this bug existing.

rabscootle commented 1 year ago

I don't think valve is gonna patch this one, considering they accidentally made the wandering wraith unboxable as unusual, then refused to remove it from the unusual pool / update its equip region after only three were unboxed.


Don't believe me? Check the creators profile comment for yourself - Retro Mike's Profile.

This report was never about changing the Wandering Wraith's equip region, though. It was regarding a bug where people can equip items that would normally conflict using the Quickswitch UI.

In all other forms of UI, the Wandering Wraith (and other cosmetics affected by this bug) are said to conflict with regular hats: image

This is the intended behavior of these items; Using quickswitch to equip conflicting items is a bug that allows for unintentional behavior. All a fix for this ticket would do is bring parity between the Quickswitch UI and all other equip UI.

Yetoo1 commented 1 year ago

@rabscootle This justification should have been included in the original ticket/responses to criticism IMO. Repeating this rather than bug is a bug must be fix religion would have stopped the thread from getting this large.

I think the quickswitch command should be fixed only if there is a setting available to disable equip region restriction on the client, at least for cosmetics (From this thread I gather that the command ignores more than equip region for cosmetics, but I'm not sure how true it is. Never used the command.). Maybe have an advanced button in the individual class loadout screens to quickly toggle the restriction to easily customize based on cosmetic creator intentions or what looks cool if restrictions disabled. Too many people rely on quickswitch command to bypass the restriction and they would have no workaround if this was removed.

shadlamppost commented 1 year ago

Replying to

While you do have a point, I think Valve's stance on the wandering wraith proved that they do in fact look at this game's economy and try their best not to tamper with it. Patching this bug would drastically affect the game's economy, and I think that alone is enough to get Valve to ignore the issue entirely.

sapphonie commented 1 year ago

Theoretically just fixed today:

Fixed being able to equip conflicting cosmetic items using +quickswitch

matty4kek commented 1 year ago

There it is, thanks for the fix guys.

crowodough commented 1 year ago

Please bring this back, this should not have been fixed. This is severely affecting the TF2 economy.

LegJoint commented 1 year ago

Tried the today's update and it seems like most misc hats (antlers, virtual viewfinder, etc) are can not be equipped with regular hats anymore

crowodough commented 1 year ago

All glasses equip region miscs and possibly others seem to unequip hats as well even though they don’t conflict.

agrastiOs commented 1 year ago

Will be fixed soon.

crowodough commented 1 year ago

Collectively, people just lost over $100,000 in the TF2 economy, if they don’t fix this as well that number will multiply by an insane amount.

godrider commented 1 year ago

Some minor cosmetics like glasses count as a whole hat now. How do they conflict with hats? 🤔

concernedtradermain commented 1 year ago


CowsertheKoopahog commented 1 year ago

This isn't an economy based or even a tested comment, but to compensate for the loss of misc stacking, perhaps the change of bird head cosmetics being unstackable with other head cosmetics can be reverted? Perhaps a bird_head equip region?

Will cosmetics clip through them? Absolutely. Does it make sense technically or logically? Not at all. Would it be funny? Yes.

AzureWoof commented 1 year ago

This isn't an economy based or even a tested comment, but to compensate for the loss of misc stacking, perhaps the change of bird head cosmetics being unstackable with other head cosmetics can be reverted? Perhaps a bird_head equip region?

Will cosmetics clip through them? Absolutely. Does it make sense technically or logically? Not at all. Would it be funny? Yes.

The best place for this suggestion would be a new post.

DrCactusTF2 commented 1 year ago

Some minor cosmetics like glasses count as a whole hat now. How do they conflict with hats? 🤔

Was an issue with the fix's implementation, will be sorted out soon.

thexkey commented 1 year ago

Some minor cosmetics like glasses count as a whole hat now. How do they conflict with hats? 🤔

Was an issue with the fix's implementation, will be sorted out soon.

So stuff like the Gibus + Pyrovision goggles would work as it did before this update? as i do not see any visible problem with them.

DrCactusTF2 commented 1 year ago

Some minor cosmetics like glasses count as a whole hat now. How do they conflict with hats? 🤔

Was an issue with the fix's implementation, will be sorted out soon.

So stuff like the Gibus + Pyrovision goggles would work as it did before this update? as i do not see any visible problem with them.

Correct, next patch glasses type items should be back to normal

nanospect commented 1 year ago

Some minor cosmetics like glasses count as a whole hat now. How do they conflict with hats? 🤔

Was an issue with the fix's implementation, will be sorted out soon.

So stuff like the Gibus + Pyrovision goggles would work as it did before this update? as i do not see any visible problem with them.

Correct, next patch glasses type items should be back to normal

When should we be expecting this patch?

matty4kek commented 1 year ago

Some minor cosmetics like glasses count as a whole hat now. How do they conflict with hats? 🤔

Was an issue with the fix's implementation, will be sorted out soon.

So stuff like the Gibus + Pyrovision goggles would work as it did before this update? as i do not see any visible problem with them.

Correct, next patch glasses type items should be back to normal

When should we be expecting this patch?

It already happened like 20 minutes ago my guy ....

thexkey commented 1 year ago


tvirustgp commented 1 year ago

According to a post on there's still a way to equip conflicting items.


Also why fix this guys? This will ruin A LOT of peoples desire to unbox. Quickswitch hats had become integral to a lot of players experience with the game. It allowed for creative combos and people to have more enjoyment in the game.

At the minimum you should have changed it to allow these unusuals to still be equipped as miscs since they were regarded as being able to be used with other hats.

concernedtradermain commented 1 year ago

According to a post on there's still a way to equip conflicting items.

Hope on the horizon.

pinocchio-pinochet commented 1 year ago

Ok 4chan, we get it, you aren't happy with us "lawful evil" people getting bugs fixed.

If this quickswitch bug was fixed, the aforementioned exploit will likely be fixed.

There's a difference between fixing game-breaking bugs and cheats and removing harmless exploits that gave people more freedom without affecting other players. Why bring it up in the first place?

pinocchio-pinochet commented 1 year ago

Ok 4chan, we get it, you aren't happy with us "lawful evil" people getting bugs fixed. If this quickswitch bug was fixed, the aforementioned exploit will likely be fixed.

There's a difference between fixing game-breaking bugs and cheats and removing harmless exploits that gave people more freedom without affecting other players. Why bring it up in the first place?

The correct solution is to fix the equip regions of every cosmetic in the game. This was a bug that should have been fixed. A lot of cosmetics have poor choices for their equip regions. Once equip regions have been addressed and fixed up, there won't be any need for an exploit like this to exist.

I agree that equip regions need to be overhauled. But who knows when that will happen, if ever. I don't agree with the line of thinking of "bug=bad=always fix ASAP". If anything, this bug was a stop-gap before fixing every item's equip region. Should we strive for a game that's perfect from a technical standpoint or a game that's enjoyable for a diverse audience?

agrastiOs commented 1 year ago

At the end of the day, it's a bug that got fixed. So I can see two options: 1) Use another way to equip multiple miscs, because there is another 2) Report cosmetics that have too restrictive equip regions so we can have the system fixed up.

matty4kek commented 1 year ago

According to a post on there's still a way to equip conflicting items.


Also why fix this guys? This will ruin A LOT of peoples desire to unbox. Quickswitch hats had become integral to a lot of players experience with the game. It allowed for creative combos and people to have more enjoyment in the game.

At the minimum you should have changed it to allow these unusuals to still be equipped as miscs since they were regarded as being able to be used with other hats.

If you have a desire to only unbox in this game, you might have a gambling addiction. At the end of the day, It's a bug that got fixed. I had a quickswitch misc, I took the L, but I had it knowingly that It was usable due to an in-game bug. I know a lot of expensive inventories who had a lot of expensive quickswitch miscs, they took the L and they're fine with it. Stop acting like this is a game-breaking fix that is not allowing you to play the game anymore. It's a bug that got fixed and that's the end of the story. You owned the items knowing the fact that you can equip them by using a bug.