ValveSoftware / csgo-osx-linux

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
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OS X performance problems after 64 bit update #791

Open davidw-valve opened 8 years ago

davidw-valve commented 8 years ago

We are aware that there are concerns surrounding the performance of CS:GO on OS X after the 64-bit update.

This issue is for the purpose of tracking performance problems with OS X. Other performance issues reported on OS X will be closed as duplicates of this issue.

We are currently investigating possibilities for improving performance.

Possible workaround: Adjust your graphics settings. The update changed graphics settings on some systems and this may cause performance to seem worse. Consider lowering graphics settings.

As replies to this issue you may post system information, graphics settings, along with the performance you experienced before and after the update.

itsaphel commented 8 years ago

actually, i lied, i am getting fps drops, currently in game and my fps goes from an unstable 50-70 to 20 occasionally on the same map just standing somewhere or moving a bit

not to mention the csgo window is spazzing up maximising and minimising constantly...

NikoCSGO commented 8 years ago

@imRobust Same here, yet I only have the fps drops... the mouse issues have been fixed, and the minimising and maximising of the window is basically the new cmd-tab, so you have to click the game twice for it to go into the proper state.

Macksi commented 8 years ago

i get huge fps drops after dying and switching to spectator mode. when i press escape twice, to open and close the ingame menu frames are back to normal. i feel like frames drop as soon as some overlay elements are visible that have transparent backgrounds like the warmup-panel, spectator huds etc. of course i also get frame drops in huge fights with smokes etc involved. my hardware should handle that stuff easily. here are my specs (playing on 1080p all settings on low):

Computer Information:
    Manufacturer:  Apple
    Model:  iMac14,1
    Form Factor: Desktop
    No Touch Input Detected

Processor Information:
    CPU Vendor:  GenuineIntel
    CPU Family:  0x6
    CPU Model:  0x3c
    CPU Stepping:  0x3
    CPU Type:  0x0
    Speed:  4000 Mhz
    4 logical processors
    4 physical processors
    HyperThreading:  Unsupported
    FCMOV:  Supported
    SSE2:  Supported
    SSE3:  Supported
    SSSE3:  Supported
    SSE4a:  Unsupported
    SSE41:  Supported
    SSE42:  Supported
    AES:  Supported
    AVX:  Supported
    CMPXCHG16B:  Supported
    LAHF/SAHF:  Supported
    PrefetchW:  Unsupported

Network Information:
    Network Speed:  

Operating System Version:
    MacOS 10.11.5 (64 bit)

Video Card:
    Driver:  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

    Driver Version:  1.2
    Driver Date: 0  0
    OpenGL Version: 2.1
    Desktop Color Depth: 32 bits per pixel
    Monitor Refresh Rate: 144 Hz
    VendorID:  0x10de
    DeviceID:  0x13c2
    Number of Monitors:  1
    Number of Logical Video Cards:  1
    Primary Display Resolution:  1920 x 1080
    Desktop Resolution: 1920 x 1080
    Primary Display Size: 20.87" x 11.73"  (23.94" diag)
                                            53.0cm x 29.8cm  (60.8cm diag)
    Primary VRAM: 0 MB

    RAM:  16384 Mb

    UI Language:  English
    Microphone:  Not set
    Media Type:  DVD
    Total Hard Disk Space Available:  3337032 Mb
    Largest Free Hard Disk Block:  2108489 Mb
    VR Headset: None detected
DaLimbomaN7 commented 8 years ago

Have had to create an account with this site just so I can express my distaste in the new csgo_osx 64 update, I have been an active member on steam and CS since 2009 and have mainly used the house hold Mac to be able to play, seeing as I don't have the money to build a PC. Have had absolutely no issues at all throughout the years until this update launched, now my FPS is locked at 60 with all settings on low, my in game mouse is completely broken in the way it just jitters around the place and sometimes doesn't move at all, and it takes sometimes up to 10 minutes just to launch a game with NO bots. This is a serious problem, I have tried to revert it back to the 32 Bit but it just tells me to download the update which completely breaks the game. PLS I am missing out on ez elo and need to play!! thank you :)

tmjohari commented 8 years ago

@NikoCSGO And I also have exact same problem with you.Everything seems fine except minimize maximize problem and fps stuttering. net_graph fps seems ok but stuttering makes it unplayable. I dont want to bootcamp my macbook since it will take a lot of space and I also have good gtx970 Windows pc.It just that my work requires me to travel a lot and I usually play on macbook

AxelGref commented 8 years ago

Same problem here! Sucks for me just bought a new mouse and had an entire day planned out for ranking up w/ friends but it got ruined due to my mouse flickering everywhere when i spray :(. I also used to get 100-150fps now its around 80fps.

My mac: Imac 2011 27inch 8gb ram AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB

NikoCSGO commented 8 years ago

@tmjohari Basically, but I think its not just us struggling but all of the mac CS:GO players out there. Also I'm sure Valve is trying to fix the issues as soon as possible, it just takes a lot of time to find the issue and test the possible fixes exc. I'm patient because I know the fix will come out in the near future.

devhen commented 8 years ago

I'm on Linux. My performance issues since the 64bit update went away for a few days by doing "restore defaults" in the video settings but now it is happening again. Very similar to what happens if you enable multicore rendering: after about 30 mins of playing the game suddenly drops down to 10 fps. Making changes to the video settings fixes it but it just happens again a few minutes later.

NikoCSGO commented 8 years ago

@devhen Maybe your CPU/GPU is overheating, causing the fps drops. I don't know entirely how it works but think that might be the case.

Tele42 commented 8 years ago

@devhen, how much vram do you have? Your symptoms might indicate that the game might be maxing out the vram, and when that happens memory gets moved to the relatively slow system ram. If you are using nvidia's driver, you can check vram usage with nvidia's control panel or nvidia-smi in a terminal. Gallium drivers in mesa have GALLIUM_HUD which you can get graphs on-screen with that information. Intel should not be significantly affected as it uses system ram.

AnthonyTN commented 8 years ago

screen shot 2016-06-07 at 3 08 45 pm screen shot 2016-06-07 at 3 10 04 pm i was able to play the game fine pre update with around 100 fps. During gun fights it was around 80. When i get into a gun fight now it drops to around 20 and is unplayable.

devhen commented 8 years ago

@Tele42 I'm using the GTX 770 so I have 2GB VRAM. It has never been an issue before. I have a script that I run on my second monitor that shows my CPU & GPU statuses. I'll keep an eye on that. Its possible that the latest update has a memory leak but I doubt it. Seems more likely that its a bug with this latest update. I can't even enable 8X AA anymore without going down to about 15 fps. With default settings and no AA I get the 200+ fps that I used to get with all settings maxed. When I try to enable 8X AA it goes back to 10-15 fps with crazy stuttering. It actually makes my entire system stutter. This is exactly what used to happen, and still does, when multicore rendering is enabled.

amcgregor commented 8 years ago

OS X El Capitan (10.11.5, 15F34), MacBook Pro (Retina, 15", Mid-2015), 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2GB. From what I can tell the performance stuttering I'm getting is either a result of the sound system handling mix down poorly or the alpha blending of muzzle flashes (alpha being a huge problem for HL2 as well), as my frames universally go to crap only when there is a weapon being fired on-screen. Ordinarily getting 60-100 FPS at 1440p, during weapons fire it drops to 20-30. Before the update, 120FPS+ was not uncommon. (This makes multi-person firefights nearly impossible to survive or navigate; with multiple close-proximity weapons firing, it's like suddenly playing with a strobe lamp lighting everything.)

I did notice that FXAA had been enabled and needed to be re-disabled in my settings, which was weird. Additionally, prior to the update input lag even with a Magic Keyboard connected via Bluetooth was manageable, now only wired will do. BT input lag is now like playing with a character on a rubber band.

maxmuegge commented 8 years ago

I dont now how you do it, but with the latest update you have made it all even worse. I stated my specs in the first post, now i only get 10–60fps. on lowest settings, NOT EVEN over 100. you broke the game, congratulations. I really don't know what to say anymore... And i'ts like you don't even care, give us the working 32bit client, fix the 64bit with a closed group, but don't let us all be lab rats. I'm frustrated as hell...

NikoCSGO commented 8 years ago

@kayhy Hi, I'm sure you like the game very much, although reverting back to the 34bit client might not be the best thing to do now as Valve is already working on the fps fix, if they decided to revert back to 34bit client all of their work would just go to waste, on top of that raw input will be disabled too. For me personally raw input is one of the things that make the game better. Don't be frustrated, maybe this is the time to go out with some friends or go to work.

masterchief182 commented 8 years ago

f7eea2c805b61da32b07b9a32eb8be2b-1 Literally unplayable, the game is more like a picture book than anything else. It's been 2 weeks, fix your game already!

porridgenz commented 8 years ago

Is anyone aware of any fix to the fps drops and stuttering. I finally got my mac running a stable fps of around ~90 - 110 and no stuttering, and now with the 64bit update im getting like ~50fps with huge drops down to around 25-30 fps when shooting or near nades. Wtf has happened, just as I was starting to enjoy cs go

Bjeaurn commented 8 years ago

Alright, here's the deal. Github is for developers. It helps them figure out what's wrong. If you want to post here, post your specs and the problems you've been seeing. Maybe one of the brilliant developers is able to figure out a relation between your problems and the update they've pushed.

If you're posting here to complain, go back to the steam forums and try your luck there. They won't work any harder from your complaints. Getting a possibility to actually solve the problem you're having with a decent description and some logs or specs might.

I've mentioned some people in my post. Don't feel flattered if you haven't been mentioned. There's plenty more where this came from, these were just recent. If you have nothing of value to add; just click the "Watch" or "smiley" icon next to the posts that are similar to your problems, and the Valve developers will actually know what to focus on. If you have new or specific problems, feel free to post and include your specifications in your post so developers will know what to look for when crawling through thousands of lines of code.

Trust me, more random bullshit postings like yours will NOT make a difference. It'll most likely demotivate the developers trying hard to fix any of the problems they may have caused.

Programming is not an exact art like writing in a language. It's creative, takes up a lot of energy, and people sometimes make mistakes. Deal with it.

@porridgenz Maybe read before you post. @FilipeOS Your post doesn't help developers at all. @masterchief182 Your post doesn't help developers at all. @kayhy Your post doesn't help developers at all.

For crying out loud men.

hadlee10 commented 8 years ago

I have ubuntu 14.04 64 bit. just got a csgo update, seemed to of helped a bit. still the odd drop but the workaround of changing audio settings/resolution helps it for me. thanks valve.

devhen commented 8 years ago

Same here. On Linux and today's update seems to have fixed things. I can max out video settings & enable MSAA without super low fps and stuttering. Performance seems to be about the same as before the 64 bit update.

hadlee10 commented 8 years ago

yeah thats pretty much the same for me about the same pre 64 bit thanks for the work guys.

DaLimbomaN7 commented 8 years ago

every CSGO update is just making things worse! minimising and maximising x10 times whilst opening the game, the mouse now lagging even harder than before and barely even moving, 60fps locked still and it still takes 20 minutes to start a game with no bots! sorry to the guy above me saying "take it to the steam forums" but they're all telling us to take it somewhere else too! it seems just because it is a mac and linux problem, no one seems to care. if this were PC, there would be an outrage. fix it pls! I miss my quality CSGO.

Bjeaurn commented 8 years ago

@DaLimbomaN7 Well, at least you said "fix it please" (sort off), so I can't be that mad at you for posting.

I'll elaborate on my previous post. I understand that you have problems, so do I. Haven't been able to play properly for a week now and I don't dare to go into competitive with these issues.

Now I see that you want to help, @DaLimbomaN7 , or at least receive a fix for CSGO like we all do here. The point is, the more noise we create on Github; the central developer hub, the less useful information they're going to take away from this. That might even cause the developers not to even pay any attention to this part of their Github and read the actual issue list. Don't get me wrong, saying you have the problems too is not necessarily noise. What helps is to explain what's changed for you. Just complaining and saying that your FPS is locked is not giving them any information on how significant the issues are for us. If you had 65 FPS before, and are now 60 FPS locked. What's the problem? Right?

Now the following is for all you people.

How to contribute

If you want to complain; don't be here. By complaining and creating new issues that are references of the old ones (like this one), you're just creating clutter and noise. This is not helping developers sort out the issues and figure out what's relevant, important and urgent.

Instead of creating new issues, you can help by finding the issues that are relevant to your issue and posting your exact situation. Help by providing specifications, logging (if you can) and explaining what you had before and what's happening now.

You can also help by understanding that multiple issues cannot be contained within one mega post.

This issue is about "performance problems after 64 bit". The amount of posts I've seen that ALSO say they have the cmd+tab issue, with the opening and reopening is seriously disturbing; there's a separate issue for that problem!, so go and find it and post your problems there as well.

If you see there's already plenty of post explaining your exact situation, including the previous behavior before the update. Don't post. Github offers you the possibility to let others know what's important by assigning "Smileys". These smileys can be happy, as in: "I agree with this post", or unhappy "this post is making me unhappy", which basically means "I am having this problem too." Also, you can assign things like "Thumbs up" as in, yes; this post describes the exact issue and it's what developers should be seeing.

So go out and use that instead.

I'm terribly sorry for the long post again, I wish I had contribution rights so we could fight this out in the, but I'm quite sure nobody posting here has read that.

I'll leave you with the thought that Github is still for developers only. As developers, there's this "gentleman agreement" that the is holy and you read it EVERYTIME you get on a Github project before you post or do anything.

Please go do that.

maxmuegge commented 8 years ago


Alright, here's the deal. I'm certain you are not using the software we are talking about in this thread. Imagine you want to watch a video of netflix, but with the newest update the search is broken and any action takes one whole minute. Also the picture will freeze randomly and you have to restart every 5 minutes. So you're taking this to the forums, because you'd like to watch movies with your friends, but because of the new update you can't.

Sure you start by posting your system specifications and do anything to help, but the problem gets worse in three weeks of you not being able to watch any movies. In short you can't use a product you paid for.

And in the forums there is this guy that tells you that the developers behind the service are brilliant people and you shouldn't criticize them. I'm telling you are they so brilliant if they break a product and add issue after issue. I know that programming is difficult and i'm willing to forgive minor bugs in a new update, but this is something different. I'm just saying that the decision to release this update to the public was obviously wrong and even your valve fanboyism can't deny that.

@Bjeaurn: oh and your post doesn't help developers at all. I might have to explain github to you, it's not for large blocks of text about your personal opinion, it's about facts, so please take your unrelated text elsewhere.

DaLimbomaN7 commented 8 years ago

@Bjeaurn Why would you get mad at me anyway? I'm reporting my issues seeing as they try and update it and only break the game more. basically my game was 200+ fps at all times (except smoke) and now it is only on 60, vsync off and fps_max set to 999. this has never happened before and it makes the game unplayable to someone who has sunk 900+ hours into the game, even with the mouse working. now that the mouse doesn't work at all, it's at a whole new level of broken. before osx 64 everything was great, I barely had any crashes and I played with ppl on mac and linux devices that experienced no problems at all. now it's just laughable, and seeing as CSGO is my favourite game, it makes my life a little more sad.

Bjeaurn commented 8 years ago

@kayhy There's plenty of ways you could've contacted me but your response here is proving that your account, made in May 2016, is just to whine on the CS:GO repo.

I agree that a release like this should not have been pushed to the public. I'm also not getting why they're not reverting back to the previous code; but as you correctly stated: programming isn't as easy as some may think and I'm sure there's plenty of reasons now why they can't revert and be done with it for now.

Also, there's no fanboyism involved anywhere beyond that I like and enjoy the occasional game of CS:GO as you can see here. I do kinda understand where you're coming from and my "wall of text" is just because I got sick and tired of the amount of people just spewing 'volvo go fix, derp' or something similar. (That's what it sounds to me like at least).

And to amend for my 2 walls of text, I'll actually add something potentially useful. (Although walls of text with useful information shouldn't be any problem).


Running on a MacBook Pro (2012, retina) with the following specs: Specifications of my laptop

I'm afraid the specifications aren't really useful to this issue, since there's been plenty of reports with all types of specs so I'm guessing the problem is operating system / release wide.

I'm seeing performance issues in both FPS (from stable 100 to stutters in the lower 20/30 FPS) and a worse detection of mouse movement, resulting in drops as well.

Tried lowering resolution and other video settings from within the game, with minimum results. No detectable constant FPS improvements or better mouse input.

FilipeOS commented 8 years ago

Well, to start this thread don't help the developers. People are just pasting the computer specs and the same issues over and over again.

Go to the changelog, cross with the issues and fix them, so easy... at least, to find the bad changes...

If not, some developer edit the main post and tell us what they really need...

AnthonyTN commented 8 years ago

ok from the latest update the game is runner smoother around 100 fps. But when i get into a gun fight and they start shooting my fps drops immensely. didn't have a a problem with this pre 64 bit.

VitaliyR commented 8 years ago

@AnthonyTN really? It is really lousy for me. ~50 fps which is dropping to ~10 when firing a lot. Or smoke.. :(

AnthonyTN commented 8 years ago

@VitaliyR yeah its working fine unless they start firing back at me which makes my fps drop to like 20-30~ fps. if i manage to win the gun fight my fps will then go back to like 80-100~ fps. smokes seem to be fine for me too. But i had to turn down my texture filtering mode to bilinear.

FilipeOS commented 8 years ago

@VitaliyR @AnthonyTN I can confirm that after restoring defaults too. But game randomly crashes and what you told it's still there, I can't play properly

AnthonyTN commented 8 years ago

oh yeah game randomly crashes for me too. i forgot to mention that but only after i finish a game. it never crashes during the game which is weird. before the 64 bit update i never crashed.

masterchief182 commented 8 years ago

@Bjeaurn I don't see your problem, I posted my specs and said what's wrong: horrible fps and lag. If my description seems a bit whiney that may be because the developers seriously fucked up and until now have done not a single thing to make the game playable again. I also don't see how you calling out annoyed people is helping developers, so why don't you take your own advice and stop commenting.

MashG2k commented 8 years ago

@masterchief182 Try Mouse raw input 0 And Disable Multi-score rendering it helped me

masterchief182 commented 8 years ago

@Pvpninja Doesn't seem to make a difference, first few minutes of a casual match seem to be alright, but then the frame drops and the frequent lag starts to come in and makes it unplayable. Here are my video settings: screen shot 2016-06-11 at 23 01 43 Guess I'll have to wait for Valve to fix the issue...

DaLimbomaN7 commented 8 years ago

Will Volvo ever make CSGO playable on my mac again... :( COD4 aint cutting it no more.

VitaliyR commented 8 years ago

@DaLimbomaN7 You should write them!

maxmuegge commented 8 years ago

2016-06-13 22 26 45

quick performance report: played mm today. it went really good at first performance wise (150-200fps), but after about ten minutes it all went downhill (40-90, in firefights even 20-30). Multicore rendering on or off didn't matter. Also had var lagspikes, but as i understand these are networking issues?

edit: switch display mode to fullscreen window, it helped me

vMcJohn commented 8 years ago

Hi folks,

With the 2016-06-16 update, we've pushed a few updates that should help OS X players with performance. We've added an option under Video Options called 'Frame Rate Smoothing' that reduces incidence and severity of frame rate stuttering by 75% (to lower than Windows and Linux) but gives up about 15% of the frame rate to do so.

We also fixed a common case where input latency would feel really bad on OS X and could even sometimes vary.

There is still more work to be done, so we'll leave this bug open--but we believe that OS X users should be in a pretty good place now. Please let us know if you're seeing otherwise.

AnthonyTN commented 8 years ago

it is better now but still not as good as when it was 32 bit. i felt like it was alot more smoother to play during all stages of the game. gun fights still cause my fps to drop to a poor amount 40-50ish.

maxmuegge commented 8 years ago

It's smoother and better, but in gunfights and in smokes the framerate drops to 50 – 70 and in some parts of the map, for example in dust II t-spawn, the framerate is below 100.

edit: tested it further the fps drops are more frequent then before and it's still far away were the 32bit client was

NikoCSGO commented 8 years ago

I kind of fixed the fps drop issue during gunfights by putting a max fps on 60 and going to the lowest resolution (800x600) with all low and very low settings. Now I only have fps drops when there is an intense gun fight such as 4+ people shooting at once in a close up area.

amcgregor commented 8 years ago

After a few more updates, the problem has only gotten worse. Even switching all settings to absolute minimum and reducing resolution from the formerly playable 1440p to 900p does nothing to improve the frame drop during weapons fire issue. It's now completely unplayable. Great.

magiczzzy commented 8 years ago

With fps smoothing enabled my fps is as bad as it has been on 64 bit but turn it off and game runs perfectly no fps spikes at all.

mysticalaf commented 8 years ago

screen shot 2016-06-17 at 13 40 48 ^ see SS FOR SPECS

It appears i have a large FPS drop since today when I opened the game? potentially a new update or maybe a few days ago as I haven't played.

Last week when you fixed the 64 bit client transfer: FPS : 170-290 ish depending on shaders/ action ingame and map Today when I played: FPS : 90 CONSTANT dropping to around 40-50 when in a site with players around/shooting, lowest it hit was like 39.

A fix would be greatly appreciated, ps thanks for the work when fixing fps in regard to migrating to 64x

magiczzzy commented 8 years ago

Have you got fps smoothing enabled or disabled? new update set to default enabled but when disabled it helped my fps a lot

Mindrush commented 8 years ago

I got the same Problem since the last Update, before i was able to play, now, even if i disable the fps smoothing it gets very lagy and i have about 40 fps ;( (alway in gun fights)

thats the first time since the 64bit change that i am realy not able to play the game on my iMac, is there a way to fix this?!


iMac 21.5 2012 3.1 Ghz intel Core I7 16GB Ram NVIDIA GFeForce GT 650M 512

FilipeOS commented 8 years ago

@vMcJohn I can confirm that now I can play minimally on my new iMac but yes, it needs a lot of improvement compared to my old windows 10 PC..... Thank you for the effort

hadlee10 commented 8 years ago

mem.level keeps changing itself

ubuntu 14.04 64 bit

given up after a month sorry

Mindrush commented 8 years ago

Well i dont wonna flame or hate or something, i realy think you are doing a great Job by trying to fix the issues but, what you said:

"but we believe that OS X users should be in a pretty good place now."

Its still getting even worse from update to update, my cs:go havent been as worse as it is now by far!

FPS dropping realy much, im not able to Play with These Performance. Is there any Fallback possible? to get at least back to the last Version? Cause i tryed now different Settings i even put evrything on low but i still have no fps since i have this Frame rate smoothing Option and it doesent matter if i turn it on or off.