ValveSoftware / csgo-osx-linux

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
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OS X performance problems after 64 bit update #791

Open davidw-valve opened 8 years ago

davidw-valve commented 8 years ago

We are aware that there are concerns surrounding the performance of CS:GO on OS X after the 64-bit update.

This issue is for the purpose of tracking performance problems with OS X. Other performance issues reported on OS X will be closed as duplicates of this issue.

We are currently investigating possibilities for improving performance.

Possible workaround: Adjust your graphics settings. The update changed graphics settings on some systems and this may cause performance to seem worse. Consider lowering graphics settings.

As replies to this issue you may post system information, graphics settings, along with the performance you experienced before and after the update.

Mindrush commented 8 years ago


Seems i had to turn of frame rate smoothing before i join a server. Now FPS are fine again.

thank you guys anyway!

DaLimbomaN7 commented 8 years ago

Can anybody tell me why my fps is still locked at 60? for 3 or so years it has been over 100 at all times except in smoke and for some reason even since osx 64 it's just locked on 60, with everything turned down and frame rate smoothing/vsync off (fps_max 999 too). No one seems to know the answer and I have friends who play Mac osx and say it's fine now.. yet mine hasn't changed. 60 fps is unplayable, and it dips to 30fps while looking mid on dust 2 and even less in gun fights. Does anyone have a similar problem? I haven't been able to play for over a month now and I miss it :(

Mindrush commented 8 years ago

have u turned fps smoothin off in Settings? if ist stuck at fps 60 it could also by a vsync Problem? which OS X Version are u useing?

DaLimbomaN7 commented 8 years ago

fps smoothing in settings as well as Vsync is turned off, all settings are as low as possible. Like I said have used this mac for probably 4 years now and no problems until this point. Would downloading the latest El Capitan OSX help me in regards to this issue?? thanks screen shot 2016-06-24 at 4 47 39 pm

standone commented 8 years ago

So, developers, any updates on this terrible utter crap called CS:GO for Mac? Before your damn update the performance was so so, around 120fps, now it's most of the time around 40 with constant drops below 20! How the heck am I suppose to play competitive game with 20 fps? MBPR 15, 16GB RAM, M370X and you tell me that CSGO runs at 20-40 fps? Are you serious?! Do you need a collective lawsuit to finally realise that you cannot treat your customers in such manner?

DaLimbomaN7 commented 8 years ago

So I think I have found a random quick fix to this 60 fps issue I was having. Opening the game, I changed the aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9 and changed the resolution down, then I made the game "windowed" and applied. I then changed the settings back to my original settings (4:3 etc) and the fps is no longer locked on 60. However if I do not do this, fps is locked at 60. wtf. also now I have the game running in "windowed full screen" because "full screen" doesn't make it full screen anymore.

mysticalaf commented 8 years ago

any fix yet guys? any dev got any feedback?


ghost commented 8 years ago

Even with frame rate smoothing enabled or disabled, it hasn't helped the game's performance. My fps is still capped to 60 ever since the 64 bit client was introduced unfortunately.

Imac mid 2010 MacOS 10.9.5 Processor 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3 Ram 4Gb 1333 MHz DDR3 Graphics card ATI Radeon HD 4670 256 mb

cuddles210 commented 8 years ago

I cant play now over 1 Month. With that Modellname: Mac Pro 2013 Prozessortyp: 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 3,5 GhZ OSX 10.11.5 Ram 64 GB Dual D700

I cant play on everything low, without laggs, i everyround die. And u give my loveing weapon nova, so a shit gay sound. it sounds so crap.

U make so much cash throw store, cause i sould much items in the past. No one can test? I can play games from 2016 on Ultra with more fps, as cs go on LOW SETTINGS????

georgekz commented 8 years ago

Guys new problem on the table. 4-5 days now the game starts ok normally and after 4-5 rounds my fps go down to 15-20 i lag a LOT and is unplayable. i have to restart my pc and again the same story. wtf?

standone commented 8 years ago

@georgekz have similar problem. It's not every time like that, but it has definitely happened several times already. Valve, hello, wtf are you doing with mac/linux version of your game?

georgekz commented 8 years ago

@standrosik thanks for the reply mate i feel so relieved that it's not only me. And you are correct it's not every time! please valve, do something your game is really unplayable. and we pay for that 🙂

zabadih12 commented 8 years ago

please fix ythis ffs

ghost commented 8 years ago

@georgekz @standrosik

I also experience that :( u guys aren't alone T_T the game has been unplayable for quite some time now unfortunately.

amcgregor commented 8 years ago

Possibly related, attempts to use the Steam Overlay browser to look at CS:GO items have been… catastrophic. First attempt will usually work, subsequent attempts close the overlay only a few hundred milliseconds after it is opened, or after there the start of mouse movement, or after there is a click. It's highly variable as to when exactly it'll "crash out" back to the game (usually triggered by one of those events), but makes it utterly unusable.

tomasko126 commented 8 years ago

@davidw-valve @Tele42 Hey guys, are there any news about performance fixes that you can share with us? Thanks.

Tele42 commented 8 years ago

Hello @tomasko126, just so it's clear, I am a community moderator and do not have access to Valve-internal information.

tomasko126 commented 8 years ago

@Tele42 Thanks for making it clear to me and others 👍

ghost commented 8 years ago

Game starts about 2 min, there is a black screen, which is impossible to alt-tab. Experiencing strong lags even when firing myself, also when an intense gunfire takes place or lots of smoke is near. Playing the lowest settings, changing resolution does not give any result. Waiting for a fix. mac 2016-07-11 00-13-45

ghost commented 8 years ago

will this fps problem be ignored? it's been months ever since the game became unplayable :( there's an update today but none of it has addressed the mac fps issue

zabadih12 commented 8 years ago

Why has it been 2 months with this being ignored?

ZonanLofty commented 8 years ago

now, I can't even play on community servers without getting timed out every few minutes but matchmaking works for some reason

georgekz commented 8 years ago

guys new problem these last days. In every game during rounds my fps going down. so after the half of the game i lag a lot. After every game I need to restart my computer!

AnthonyTN commented 8 years ago

damn. valve fixed it im getting 700+ fps.

ZonanLofty commented 8 years ago

valve didn't fix it lol what are you talking about

ZonanLofty commented 8 years ago

I wish valve would test their shit first before forcing an update on their players... it's not the first time something like this happened...

georgekz commented 8 years ago

Guys i think i found out what the problem is. Opening activity monitor I saw gameoverlayui.exe not responding. that causes the lag in the game. Any suggestions?

devhen commented 8 years ago

@georgekz If that's the case, try disabling the steam overlay. In steam, right-click on counter-strike, and on the General tab uncheck the box for "Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game".

georgekz commented 8 years ago

i did that and seems to be OK for now! A bit annoying to tell the truth...thank you anyway @devhen!

NikoCSGO commented 8 years ago

I had my steam overlay off the entire time whilst playing CS:GO, for about 2 years. I did not have any trouble with it, until the 64 bit update came out. The major issue for me are the fps as they used to be 90+ on every map and now its hardly 60

ZonanLofty commented 8 years ago

Why can't they test the 64bit version on their own computers first, then release it? Or if they absolutely have to release it give us the option to switch between 32 and 64bit? Or fix the bugs asap if you force the players to use 64bit. It's been 2 months since the game became unplayable...

NikoCSGO commented 8 years ago

@ZonanLofty I 100% agree on what you just said, I think that a huge company like Valve should really test the updates on their pcs before release and if not they could at least provide the option to switch back as long as their aren't any compatibility issues.

QBAWTF commented 8 years ago

@NikoCSGO Maybe Macintosh is too expensive for him? ;-)

NikoCSGO commented 8 years ago

@davidw-valve Hi, I just wanted to ask for any feedback regarding the performance issues from your side. I would appreciate it you could reply, many of us MAC users are curious about the situation and how you guys are coping with the issues. Thanks

ghost commented 8 years ago

I agree with @NikoCSGO can you give us at least feedback regarding the performance issues because Im tired playing dota 2. I paid 15$ to play this game but it's unplayable. It's really frustrating knowing that this problem still hasnt been fixed after 2 months :(

NikoCSGO commented 8 years ago

@future33 I played CS:GO for the past 2 years on my macbook air, now I felt as if Valve is trying to get rid of us mac gamers and therefore not fixing the game, so I decided to buy a gaming pc for around £1800. I was going to do so sooner or later but I was happy with my macbook until the 64bit update which just kinda forced me to doing so, I think that developers from Valve should respond to us mac gamers too...

ghost commented 8 years ago

@NikoCSGO There has been an update today but completely disregarded the mac fps issue and we ask for any feedback yet they ignore us.

ZonanLofty commented 8 years ago

just switch to windows already I already did. It's gonna take a couple months before valve even thinks about fixing it

DaLimbomaN7 commented 8 years ago

if you guys haven't tried it yet, and are using Mac, please try my solution. has worked ever since I've done it, however you need to do this EACH time before you want to play in game for smoothest results.

go to video settings, make sure everything is on lowest settings, if you are using 4:3 aspect ratio change it to 16:9 (if it's already 16:9 you shouldn't have any issues and if you do I don't know the solution sorry)

change resolution settings to something low (mine is 1300 x something)

make it from "windowed fullscreen" to "fullscreen" then hit apply. This in itself will make your game so much smoother (on my iMac it unlocks it from 60FPS and I continue to get 100+ all game every game) and you can continue to play smoothly in 16:9 if that's what you want. however, if you're me, and play 4:3, all you gotta do is change the settings back, and wallah. problem solved.

Let me know if this helped anyone! to see if this worked have net_graph 1 on in the game menu's and you'll see the 60fps shoot up to 120+

NikoCSGO commented 8 years ago

@ZonanLofty Yeah my new pc and monitor should be arriving today so I can't wait to play some cs, on the other hand I think that it's not professional from Valve to not give any feedback regarding this situation with OS X issues.

DaLimbomaN7 commented 8 years ago

wtf exactly straight after I posted my comment it's like Valve patched it instantly and made it not work anymore. Now I'm getting 30fps in dust 2 with no bots. great.

sentanos commented 8 years ago

I just started playing CS:GO again on OS X and it feels like the performance is a lot worse than it was before: I have to play using the lowest absolute settings and resolution to get a good FPS when there is nothing going on. As soon as people start shooting and grenades are thrown there are major drops. I used to play with higher settings with no problem.

Just to make sure I booted into Windows using boot camp on the same computer and downloaded CS:GO: sure enough the FPS was substantially better even at much higher settings.

Although I know there are fundamental driver performance differences between the two OSes, I do feel the performance of the game used to be better. Booting into boot camp every time I want to play as well as allocating extra space for CS:GO on that partition is inconvenient but I'll deal with it for the performance, it just seems like a waste that there is a Mac port but that port has such bad performance it isn't worth using: if it actually worked everything would be much easier to deal with. On top of that the lack of status updates from Valve other than periodically saying it is fixed when this report is obviously still active just seems unprofessional.


perdely2 commented 8 years ago

Hey I'm using a macbook air early 2015 (1,6ghz intel core i5, 4gb 1600 mhz ddr3 ram, intel hd graphics 6000 1536 mb). After the 64bit update I have a lot of fps drops in smokes, flashes, nades, I play on the lowest settings. My fps isn't even a stable 75 if I play always drops. I'm using an external monitor and a coolermaster pad to save the laptop lifetime (its 95-97 celsisu max while in game) 640 x 480 windowed (after launching in 8x6 i can change it to 640 x 480 ) all low, multicore on, power saving off -freq 75 -nod3d9ex +cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 -novid -high -threads 4 -w 800 -h 600 -nojoy -lv +cl_forcepreload 1 +mat_queue_mode 2 -noaafonts -processheap -noexclusivefs -nosplash +mat_vignette_enable 0 -noaafonts -lv -windowed +fps_max 78 +fps_max_menu 75

Guys, can you suggest your opinion about my settings, and about your experiences, how could you get the biggest fps after this poor update? I've tried a lot of commands, using the new operation system: macOS Sierra 10.12 Beta (16A294a) I've the same performance on the latest el capitan.

standone commented 8 years ago

@perdely2 no, unfortunately since they've broken their game and are unwilling to fix it ever since you can't really help yourself with simply changing settings.

It sucks terribly, I for example have Mbpr with m370x graphic card and 16gb or ram, yet my fps with medium settings and 900p resolution is around 50 and drops as low as 15 when there are a lot of smokes or shooting.

standone commented 8 years ago

@davidw-valve do you maybe want to give us some update on the situation around the shittiest ever version of the game? Will you guys ever fix this or what?

muellmaa commented 8 years ago

Nothing will happen/change. Fps is and always was horrible under OSX compared to Windows. Live with it and use Boot Camp.

VitaliyR commented 8 years ago

Weird thing. On my Macbook Pro Retina 13 2015 I'm getting 60 fps which usually 40 and down to 15. On Macbook Pro Retina 15 2014 I'm getting 120 FPS which is usually same 110-120 and down to 100 - which is cool actually. Same settings. So, there is a problem running on 2-Cores CPU? (Because 15 have 4-Cores)

sentanos commented 8 years ago

What you described sounds more likely due to the fact that the 15-inch has a dedicated GPU and possibly better stats in other areas as well.

On Sep 8, 2016, at 00:13, Vitaliy Ribachenko wrote:

Weird thing. On my Macbook Pro Retina 13 2015 I'm getting 60 fps which usually 40 and down to 15. On Macbook Pro Retina 15 2014 I'm getting 120 FPS which is usually same 110-120 and down to 100 - which is cool actually. Same settings. So, there is a problem running on 2-Cores CPU? (Because 15 have 4-Cores)

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VitaliyR commented 8 years ago

@sentanos indeed, silly me, forgot about that one :) Okay, anyway, that integrated Intel HD suited fine until that x64 update..

standone commented 7 years ago

@davidw-valve Please, devs, give us some update. After recent patch (like in the past week or so, or maybe it's because i updated to MacOS Sierra) the game on MBPR 15, 16GB, m370x became COMPLETELY unplayable, just lagging and teleporting like crazy both on the external and internal monitors.