VanLoo-lab / ascat

ASCAT R package
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Allele-Specific Copy Number Analysis of Tumors


This repository provides the ASCAT R package (v3.1.3) that can be used to infer tumour purity, ploidy and allele-specific copy number profiles.

ASCAT is described in detail in: Allele-specific copy number analysis of tumors. Van Loo P et al. PNAS (2010).

This repository also contains the code underlying additional publication: Allele-specific multi-sample copy number segmentation. Ross EM, Haase K, Van Loo P & Markowetz F. Bioinformatics (2020).

Installation (v3.1.3 version)

Bioconductor package dependencies: GenomicRanges & IRanges (BiocManager::install(c('GenomicRanges','IRanges')) with a recent R/BiocManager version).

Processing high-throughput sequencing data: alleleCounter (C version)

Installing ASCAT using R: devtools::install_github('VanLoo-lab/ascat/ASCAT')

Changes since v2.5.3

Major changes:

Minor changes:

New features in v3:


We provide some scripts and input data in the ExampleData folder.

Reference files

All reference files are hosted on Zenodo.

Supported arrays without matched germline

Custom10k, IlluminaASA, IlluminaGSAv3, Illumina109k, IlluminaCytoSNP, IlluminaCytoSNP850k, Illumina610k, Illumina660k, Illumina700k, Illumina1M, Illumina2.5M, IlluminaOmni5, IlluminaOmniExpressExome, IlluminaGDACyto-8, Affy10k, Affy100k, Affy250k_sty, Affy250k_nsp, AffyOncoScan, AffyCytoScanHD, AffySNP6, HumanCNV370quad, HumanCore12, HumanCoreExome24 and HumanOmniExpress12.

Because arrays have a defined set of SNP probes, with a fairly constant rate of heterozygous probes across individuals, useful metrics in ascat.predictGermlineGenotypes can be inferred from some cases (with no or very few CN changes). However, sequencing data is subjected to massive variations because of design, coverage and/or artefacts. Therefore, we are not able to provide pre-defined metrics for unmatched sequencing data.


For more information about ASCAT and other projects of our group, please visit our website.