Vanalite / NimbleExp

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Platform Swift 5

Getting Started

  1. Install Xcode.
  2. Install CocoaPod.
  3. Clone this repository.
  4. Open the NimbleSurvey.xcworkspace.

Project structure

Architecture: MVVM
Network layer: Moya
Reactive framework: RxSwift
Project structure
1) View Controllers folder

To store all ViewControllers

2) View Models folder

To store all ViewModels

3) View folder

To store all custom Views such as UITableViewCell, etc.

4) Service folder

To store all services (e.g: Network service)

5) Helpers folder

To store all helpers and extensions


Framework used:

  1. Cuckoo (Mocking framework)
  2. Nimble (express the expectation framework)


  1. Modified the script to instruct the Cuckoo run
  2. Add relative path of the swift file for mocking
  3. Execute ./generate to overwrite the GeneratedMock.swift


  1. Programming language: Swift is required, Objective-C is optional.
  2. Design app's architecture (recommend VIPER or MVP, MVVM but not mandatory)
  3. UI should be looks like in attachment.
  4. WriteUnitTests
  5. Exceptionhandling


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