Unlock the peak efficiency of buses:
Because this mod is very small and simple, I am open-sourcing this to everyone out there.
These transportation types are currently covered by this mod:
Note: Intercity buses were previously affected by this mod, which does not make much sense and might have caused some other problems (https://github.com/Vectorial1024/ExpressBusServices/issues/15#issuecomment-1187672211), and so they are now free and are not affected by this mod.
These transportation types are covered by this mod, but contains a different set of settings:
These transportation types will NEVER be covered by this mod because it will not make sense:
These transpotation types will not be covered by this mod because they will become unrealistic:
When activated, buses will have a chance to immediately transfer themselves to the most in-demand section of the bus line, resuming from the relevant first-stop terminus, thereby skipping multiple stops at once (refer to https://github.com/Vectorial1024/ExpressBusServices/issues/12 for more info); this will be helpful when commuting patterns are asymmetric.
When attempting to transfer over a long distance (currently set to 1 city tile), buses will send themselves back to depot, and let (another) depot spawn a replacement bus. This reduces the time that the bus "arrives" at the intended transfer target, and speeds up the transfer.
Minibuses are defined as buses where capacity is <= 20
When activated, minibuses will pay attention to the number of passengers boarding and alighting at the bus stop: if that number is <= 5
, then the minibuses may wait less and depart earlier than usual, simulating the Hong Kong minibus situation.
Buses will now unbunch based on the number of vehicles on the line. This results in generally higher effectiveness of high-frequency buses, while also maintaining reasonable spacing for low-frequency buses. (Note: due to tech limitations, there is a max amount of time that buses can wait at termini, and I cannot influence that; so low-frequency buses cannot be too low-frequency if you are aiming for an even distribution of buses in the line.)
This mod aims to salvage vanilla CSL buses from being borderline unusable to being competitive against metro and tram lines.
By skipping stops and removing most of the unbunching, buses can now become an efficient alternative to metro and tram lines when e.g. the streets and curves are too tight for metro stations, or when conversion to tram lines are not possible due to street layouts.
Combined with mods such as Transport Line Manager and Improved Public Transport 2, it should be much more likely to earn profits per bus line. (Upkeep of depots should be covered by some other, stronger income source.)
This mod uses Harmony to modify ("patch") the CSL code to achieve the effect.
The integrated compatibility to IPT2 is achieved by utilizing Harmony's ability to detect other mods in runtime and selectively apply patches. See the source code for more details.
The ability for this mod to determine whether a certain vehicle has loaded all loadable CIMs is powered by Harmony's "reverse-patching" feature available since Harmony v2. See the source code for a working example of reverse-patching.
Expanding on my answer on #1, the general procedure of this mod is something like this:
No data is written to the save-game because instant-departures are, well, instant. It is very unlikely that the arrival state persists at the moment a save occurs. (Well, unbunching right after loading a save game shouldn't be too severe.) Moreover, I can determine whether the bus is at the first bus stop of the line just from vanilla CSL data structures. There is no need to save any data.