VedVid / untitled-strategy-game

Small strategy game, inspired by Into The Breach
2 stars 1 forks source link

What is this game?

The game is in the very early stage of the development and there is not much to play with. That said, I am getting close to the first pre-alpha release – please see for more info.

OK, so what will this game be like in the future?

I aim to create a small scale tactical game, in the veins of the Into The Breach. Just a handful of units on a small map, short missions, no micromanagement.

What is the goal of the project?

The goal is to learn something new. I will try to use design patterns, tinker with both inheritance and composition, discipline myself to document the code well using the commonly used formatting. Simply, the goal is to learn, to develop new, better practices and maybe get rid of some bad habits.

How does it look like?

For the prototyping, I use graphics from (appropiate license notices are included in this repository). At some point, I would like to overhaul the graphics and use a custom-made pixel sprites.



gamepaly gif

How to play?

You can download this repository, ensure that the requirements are met, and run When the game is mature enough, binary releases will be uploaded.

Game is mostly playable by mouse:

You can also run the tests by python -m pytest.

I don't see a license in the repository, is that an oversight?

While most of my work is released under open source licenses, that's not the case here. This project is only source-available.