Vek17 / TabletopTweaks-Base

Tabletop Tweaks is a mod that seeks to adjust the cRPG rules to more closely follow the tabletop ruleset. Additionally it adds content missing from the base game.
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Touch of Destiny #413

Open Deathevan opened 2 years ago

Deathevan commented 2 years ago


It appears Touch of Destiny, ability from the Destined Sorcerer Bloodline isn't working as intended: it is used and the buff icon appears on the target character but it is being considered a a spell in the ability description as opposed to the feat's description where it's called a standard action. And given it even has a cast animation and triggers AoO's. and apparently won't apply the insight bonuses it's supposed to, I'm assuming it's bugged.

To reproduce it you just need to be pick the Bloodline as a Sorcerer - I've tried it both as a first and second Bloodline, same result - and use the ability on a character. I've reinstalled my client and this mod, this still persists.

I expected it to be a simple standard action that didn't provoke AoO's, and the bonuses to apply. Destined Bloodline Arcana, for example, seems to be applying its bonuses correctly.

I've tried looking into another report with a similar issue (regarding a Bloodrager Bloodline) and the person there did offer a solution that could apparently work in my case, but I couldn't pull it off.

Destined1 Destined2

The first image shows the character using the ability as a spell, and the contradicting descriptions. The second Image shows the character with the buff, but no Insight bonus to Will Saves.

Vek17 commented 2 years ago

The descriptors are fixed in my dev build and should be shipping in the next release, the modifiers not applying shouldn't be happening but may be related to an owlcat bug in the current version. I'll need to double check that to confim.

Vek17 commented 2 years ago

Okay, found the will save issue and it is fixed in dev and should be in the next proper release.

Deathevan commented 2 years ago

I thank you for the quick reply and making changes, but at least in my game the ability still applies no bonuses at all.