VeriSilicon / acuitylite

Acuitylite is an end-to-end neural network deployment tool
MIT License
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A brief guide to Acuitylite

Acuitylite is an end-to-end neural-network deployment tool for embedded systems.
Acuitylite support converting caffe/darknet/onnx/tensorflow/tflite models to TIM-VX/TFLite cases. In addition, Acuitylite support asymmetric uint8 and symmetric int8 quantization.

Attention: We have introduced some important changes and updated the APIs that are not compatible with the version before Acuitylite6.21.0(include). Please read the document and demos carefully.

System Requirement


1. build the recommended docker image and run a container
2. pip install acuitylite --no-deps



Framework Support

Tips: You can export a TFLite app and using tflite-vx-delegate to run on TIM-VX if the exported TIM-VX app does not meet your requirements.

How to generate nbg and TIM-VX case

When you need generate TIM-VX case and nbg, please set the export() function's param pack_nbg_unify=True. Such as: TimVxExporter(model).export(pack_nbg_unify=True), it will use our default SDK. If you want to use your own SDK and licence, please set the param of export() viv_sdk, licence. Such as: TimVxExporter(model).export(pack_nbg_unify=True, viv_sdk=your_sdk_path, licence=path_of_licence_txt)

Attention: your sdk directory structure must strictly follow the directory structure of acuitylib/vsi_sdk!!! your sdk need satisfy the structure of "your_sdk_path/build/install", "your_sdk_path/prebuilt-sdk/x86_64_linux", otherwise the path may have problems. And the licence content is the device target which you want to use.

How to run TIM-VX case

The exported TIM-VX case supports both make and cmake.
Please set environment for build and run case:

Attention: The TIM_VX_DIR path should include lib and header files of TIM-VX. You can refer TIM-VX to build TIM-VX.

How to generate nbg by Ovxlib

When you need generate nbg, please use OvxlibExporter class and set the export() function's param pack_nbg_only=True. Such as: OvxlibExporter(model).export(pack_nbg_only=True), it will use our default SDK. If you want to use your own SDK and licence, please set the "viv_sdk" and "licence" params of export() function. Such as: OvxlibExporter(model).export(pack_nbg_only=True, viv_sdk=your_sdk_path, licence=path_of_licence_txt)

Attention: your sdk directory structure must strictly follow the directory structure of acuitylib/vsi_sdk!!! your sdk need satisfy the structure of "your_sdk_path/prebuilt-sdk/x86_64_linux", otherwise the path may have problems. The content of licence is the device target which you want to use.


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