Vertfromage / ManFight

Two classes Man and ManFight that together make a fun little text game
MIT License
7 stars 29 forks source link
beginner fighting-game game joke-game text-based-game text-game


Two classes Man and ManFight that together make a fun little text game

This was made to amuse my non-techie husband and make him pay attention to my explanation of the code, I managed to get his attention for a minute so, win. I am just a beginner, part way through Tim Bulchalka's course,, so be kind.

How to Run

To compile the project run:

javac -d .

and then to run the project:

java com.crystal.Main

This game has been improved a ton since I opened it up for hacktoberfest, I love that no one has made me feel bad for being a newbie with sloppy code and poor github skills. Everyone who has contributed to this game I just want to say thatthis has been a really fun experience so far, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the month.

Updates during Hacktoberfest, contributors:

Contributed code:

How to run

This project uses Gradle as its build system. Simply run:

./gradlew run

or on Windows:

gradlew.bat run